29 - "Hunting West"

Start from the beginning

Mabinty snuck a peek at her husband. His chocolate tone, strong jaw, handsome features and intimidating personality made him intriguing. He was super reserved and always quiet. Though not soft spoken, his tone was typically always low and he didn't do public displays of affection. He was a very private person and didn't discuss himself with other people much. He was mysterious.

The sudden urge to want to cuddle under her man came over Mabinty. She snuggled close to him and put her head on his chest. His eyes opened and he looked at the partition that was already up, showing his own reflection.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Just want to cuddle with you."

Cuddle. It almost got a smirk out of him. She used such adolescent words sometimes. It sounded just as silly as snuggle. Mabinty took his arm and put it around her.

The limousine was quiet for some time. It was a peaceful silence that had the couple falling asleep. The limo suddenly screeched to a halt. The driver turned the wheel hard to avoid hitting the Bentley car in front of them that unexpectedly slammed on its brakes.

"Oh shit!" The driver yelled.

Andre and Mabinty flew forward in the seat. Andre quickly braced one hand against the partition to stop his face from hitting it and tightened the other arm across his wife to keep her in her seat.

They were suddenly barricaded with nowhere to go. The left had them caged in by the metal barrier separating the highway. A Bentley car pulled up behind them, one pulled up on the right side and then the one in front of them wasn't moving.

Men jumped out the cars in black ski-masks, holding MP-40's with shoulder straps across their bodies. The aesthetics of the weapon scared Mabinty. She didn't know what the hell it was, but she could tell it was one of those automatic weapons that spit out hundreds of bullets in seconds.

"Andre!" She screamed, terrified.

Everything was happening so fast. One man busted the car window with his elbow and reached in unlocking the door. The driver was snatched out and the back door was unlocked. Mabinty was grabbed up kicking and screaming.

In seconds the driver and Mabinty had been taken to the front Bentley and it rode off. Masked men slid into the limo with the kingpin. One in the driver seat and two in the back with Andre. Two submachine guns were pointed at his face as the last person to enter the limo was White Locus.

The limo pulled off right behind the Bentley in front that held his wife and driver. The other two cars following in the same formation. One behind them and one on the side of them.

Andre's blood was boiling as he looked at the Hunter mutt. The stunt was pulled in under ten seconds. Civilians probably thought it was some low budget movie they were filming. Not knowing it was all real.

White Locus sat across from Andre with her right leg over the left. He would be lying if he said she wasn't attractive. But he wasn't a man that was enamored only by looks. That's why he'd never gotten caught up in any situation with a woman.

"If her lipstick gets so much as smudged—"

"I'm not interested in your fille de joie." White Locus said. "These are MP-40's. Weapons created in World War Two that spit out four hundred fifty rounds a minute. If I wanted her dead, I would've fucked this car up from two hundred meters back without my men needing to get out their vehicles to do it."

Andre was calm, eyes following White Locus like a hawk. White Locus held up a photograph. "The woman and the child. Where are they?"

Andre's brown eyes were darker than Lotus's heart. His stare was calm but menacing. His uncooperative behavior made the solider on his left aim the gun directly at his head. Andre relented and looked at the picture. Lisa Marshall. Egypt Marshall.

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