Chapter 5 - a day trip out

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After what had happened the previous day Sam decided that he was going to take Dean out in a day trip to the zoo for a bit of fun. Sam decided that it was going to be a surprise so Sam had set an alarm so he would be awake before Dean and had packed a backpack full of everything that he would need for Dean and packed up a lunch. He then booked tickets for the zoo and had put the bag in the back of the car. He also showered himself, dressed himself, had breakfast and then brushed his teeth and hair.

He than made his way to dean's room and woke him up which caused Dean to let out a whine. He then picked Dean up and noticed that dean's pull up had leaked during the night so he made a mental note to put Dean into diapers tonight. Luckily Dean was too sleepy to realise that he had wet the bed so Sam didn't have to deal with Dean having a breakdown. Sam then carried dean to the closet to choose an outfit and took him to the bathroom where Sam had ran dean a bath he waited for the bath to run with Dean. When the bath was full Sam placed Dean into the bath and gave him some bath toys to play with while he cleaned deans bed sheets and put them in the wash. He then returned to the bathroom to clean Dean and then got him ready for the trip. He fed Dean his breakfast and then they were ready to leave.

Sam and Dean were now in the car on their way to the zoo and Dean was now starting to get curious about where they were going and so he asked 'dada where going' which Sam had replied with it's a surprise which didn't seem to please dean which caused him to whine, look out the window and huff. This caused Sam to laugh at how dramatic and ridiculous dean was being which caused Dean to reply with 'not funny' and looked out the window again but with a tear running down his cheek. That caught Sams attention and he face dean a pacifier and also  made him feel guilty and apologise to Dean. Sam had also discovered that Dean was very sensitive now. So he gave Dean a blanket and a pacifier to calm him down.

When they arrived at the zoo Dean was asleep and Sam was humming along to the music on the radio. When Sam parked up he woke Dean up and got out of the car. He then went over to the passenger seat and unbuckled Dean and carried him out of the seat. He than placed Dean down and grabbed his hand and walked towards the entrance. When Dean realised where they were he squealed excitedly which caused a huge smile to creep up on Sams face. They went to the counter at the entrance and got their wristbands so they could get in. For the first hour they had walked around the wildcat area which had lions, tigers, cheetahs and leopards. They also seen the monkey area which had gorillas, orangutans, gibbons and chimpanzees and they also seen the elephants and rhinos . It was now approaching lunchtime so Sam and Dean decided to sit down at a bench and eat their lunch. Sam got a grilled cheese while dean got mac n cheese.

After they had their lunch they had got ready to go look at more animals when all of a sudden Dean started crying. This shocked Sam a bit because he was fine just a minute ago. So he picked Dean up and started rocking him to calm down. Sam had realised that Dean hadn't been toilet all day so he put his hand on his bum and felt that the pull-up was wet. So he carried him to the bathroom and went into cubicle and changed him into a fresh pull-up. Deans cries had now turned into sniffles. They left the toilets and headed towards the animals.

It has now been a couple of hours since dean and Sam had lunch. They had seen giraffes, meerkats, hippos, turtles, pandas, lemurs, bears and the penguins. Dean was now starting to complain about walking and about how tired he was and Sam had gathered he was getting cranky because he hadn't had a nap yet. Sam gave Dean a little scolding but that had seemed to make it even worse. Dean started shouting and kicked Sam in the leg which caused Sam to go red with embarrassment and anger. So he grabbed deans hand and started pulling him towards the car. Dean kept trying to let go and had now started crying. They reached the car and Sam buckled Dean in and then got in himself. Dean looked out the window and was still crying and Sam drive home the whole way without saying a word.

Once they reached home, Sam grabbed deans hand and dragged him into one of the guest rooms and made him stand in the corner for time out for 15 minutes. Sam told Dean if he calls for him, moves or makes any noise he'll add another 3 minutes on. He than left the room and set a timer on his phone and sat in the sofa and watched tv for a bit. While sam was watching tv dean was silently crying in his timeout. Dean felt bad for kicking and shouting at him all because he was tired. Soon the timer went off and sam called dean to come to the living room. Dean complied to sams request because he didn't want to get in more trouble. When Dean reached the living room he sat on the sofa next to Sam. He asked Dean why he was put in time out and Dean told him that he shouted and kicked him. Dean than apologised sam to which Sam had accepted deans apology. Sam then put a film on hoping that Dean would fall asleep for a bit.

Just as Sam hoped Dean was out like a light. He then carried dean to his bedroom, placed him on the bed and tucked him in and left the door slightly open so there was a bit of light and that he could hear if something was wrong with Dean. He then realised by the time Dean would wake up which would probably be in about an hour and a half it would be nearly tea time. So Sam decided to prepare dinner so it would be ready for him to cook when Dean wakes up. Sam decided to make a lasagna so he prepared it so that when he hears Dean wakes up he'll stick it in the oven, sort Dean out and than eat.

In the meantime Sam had stuck on a tv show he was in the middle of watching, which was Brooklyn Nine Nine, for a bit before having to deal with Dean. After about two or three episodes he heard dean wake up so he paused the episode and made his way into the kitchen stuck the lasagna in the oven on a low heat and headed towards deans room. When he entered dean was crying which signalised that he had wet himself and made his way over to calm dean down before running him a quick bath. He quickly bathed Dean changed him into a pull-up and some comfy pyjamas and carried him towards the kitchen table as the dinner would be ready to eat. Sam helped Dean eat his dinner before Sam ate his dinner and washed the dishes. He asked Dean what he wanted to do and he pointed at the tv so Sam took Dean to the living room and asked him to pick a dvd. Dean chose to watch the jungle book. So Sam had put the film on to watch and once they watched it Sam checked the time and it was about 8:30pm so he put finding nemo on for them to watch.

At the end of the film dean was now starting to doze off so Dean picked him up and carried him to the bathroom where he had changed Dean into a diaper instead of a pull up. He then proceeded to take Dean to the bedroom and tucked him into his bed where Dean had fell into a deep slumber very quickly due to the long day that they had. Sam than headed back to the living room turned the tv off and headed to his bed. Sam then read a bit of the first Harry Potter book before eventually he had fallen asleep in bed himself.

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