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lacy looked in the mirror. god she hated everything about herself. her eating disorder started getting worse and shes back on oxy.

she's only taking half a pill a day. but with
julien being gone and preparing for swan lake, she stress was getting
to her.

julien would be so disappointed. for the
past few months they were helping each stay sober. and lacy had been lying to jules. she
hated it.

'lacy, they are about to go on!' odette said.
'I'll be right out.' lacy yelled from the other side of the door. she pops a pill into her mouth.

'god damn it' she thinks to herself. how has my life come to this? after all the work phoebe did to keep me sane and clean. after all the effort julien put in.

she wipes her tears and walks out of the bathroom. making her way to the celebrity box with odette on one arm and ivy on the other. excited to see her sister and her girlfriend and one of her best friends dreams come true.

this was what was most important. the oxy and the relapse can wait. that didn't matter. her family and friends come first always. she can wait.

jules speaks 💌

put yall seat belts on. its gonna be a bumpy ride.

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