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A lone WW2 'German' armored car, makes its' way through the pothole and ruined 

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A lone WW2 'German' armored car, makes its' way through the pothole and ruined 

highways, of Europe. " Must you 'feel' like, you must HIT every pot hole?", 

asked an Asian 'cute' girl in a leather flight jacket. " I'm sorry. I'm NOT responsible for

the Neuroi destruction here. Got complaint, write to Highway Department.", replied a

'German' Weremacht Sargent, who was 'preteen'. " Sorry, Christina. The 'jolts' in my

'tailbone' makes me, 'grouchy'.", said leather jacket. " It's fine, Naoe.", replied.

Christina. Then, she slowly, stopped, and peered from the driver hatch.

Naoe, the turret. " Barkhorn, to base. Unknown 'structure' spotted. Going to 

investigate.", Christina said, in her in ear Comm. They, pulled their heads back in, and 

drove into the 'structure'. 

A small town, in the early stages of 'dark', has three 'buildings' solidify across a mini mart.

Two open, and the armored car, and two females in armor and riding horses, come out of them. 

Naoe and Christina, pop their heads out. " Guten Tok." " Yo." " Hamilton Ror, Rose Knights Of 

Sedaria." A young girl, rode up to them, near Christina's age on a younger horse. " Myuri Formal,

Of Italica." " It seems, we are in the same situation. Let's explore together.", said Christina. 

They looked through the stores, still open, and returned. 


" WHERE ARE THE RICHES, SPOILS, SLAVES, WOMEN?" " Zozal, are you 'hardheaded'? 

Obviously, the 'people' who makes all of this, can destroy our Empire.", said the Emperor.

" Pina shall, lead the expedition." " Yes, Father. * Takes cell phone from 'pile'* I'll use this 

to contact.", she said. 

Witches World

" I would not believe this, so close to retiring. Colonel Fairbourne, will command.", said the 

retiring General Potter.


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