"Don't worry about it! Just go back upstairs!" The man named Kurapika shouts back.

The man with glasses comes closer to me, I flinch as he grabs my arm and looks down at the dirty mattress. "This is torture! Abuse!"

Kurapika rubs his temples and pulls him away from me.

"Leorio, leave." He demands and pushes him towards the stairs. Who is she?!" The tall man shouts.

"I said leave, Leorio!" The same chains on his hands early conjure up again.

"Fine, but when I come down tomorrow and if she isn't in a cleaner place, I'm going to get after you." The man I assume named Leorio says. I wonder if he thinks I'm just a girlfriend or something.

I want to beg, to beg for him to save me and get me out. But what if that man hurts me again? Or worse.

I stay silent instead and wait for that time to come, I shouldn't upset the blond man. I look up at him, pleading with my eyes, his are no longer scarlet. I find that odd.

I can't take this anymore. The sun has risen again over and over again, but the man still hasn't returned as he promised. Bugs scrounge all over my body, biting me and even making their babies on my body. I haven't got to shower at all, and when I get to use the bathroom, I'm being watched and it's painful. I most likely have an infection.

I'm being starved by him, the hunger is almost delightful and euphoric now. It's quite pleasurable in a way. My stomach rumbles every minute, it angers him and it's the only reason he continues to feed me.

Kurapika stands over me grabs my hair forcefully, making me look up at him.

"Stand up, I'm giving you a shower", he lifts me onto my feet, realizing I probably can't lift myself up.

Kurapika holds my hand kindly as he walks me upstairs into the bathroom. He turns around away from me and waits me for to undress, or I assume so.

I take off the only clothing I was wearing- a bra and my panties. I turn on the shower and wait until the room starts steaming to step inside. I stand there and let the water pour onto my dirty and dry skin. The gross insects and glitter on my skin get washed away in the hot stream and down into the drain.

He finally turns around and looks at me. His eyes are bulging while he stares at my bare body, his mouth is open in shock. He clears his throat and shakes his head before handing me a rag to clean myself.

I use the cloth to clean myself as he stares at my body. I blush ever so slightly, creeped out but also flattered.

"So you don't want to take an actual bath, huh?" Kurapika finally speaks up. It's feels like I haven't talked in weeks, even when I speak a few words everyday. Just not much. Not at all.

I shake my head, "I don't want to."

He almost laughs, "You are a strange girl, you're body is weak and you should give it a try." He is talking to me like a friend, I wonder why?

I let out a deep breath and stop the shower once I'm done, waiting for him to bring me a towel and clothes. He looks confused until he realizes and gives me clothes.

I shiver and wrap the towel around myself to dry off. It feels like it just came out of the dryer from how warm it is. I don't want to put my clothes on now.

After I get dressed with him still in the bathroom, he carries me back down. With him only giving me a bra and underwear to wear, just like before, I'm freezing in the basement with the burning water no longer on me.

To my surprise, the mattress is no longer there. But a rather new one. No mold, no bugs, and no tears. This is the first time I am somewhat happy here.

Kurapika barely smiles at me as he sets me down on it, it's much softer than the old one. Even the glitter is gone, surprising seeing as how hard glitter is to remove and it was on the floor too.

And while I know I took a long bath, I still wonder who did this without making any noise. Was it Leorio?

Kurapika sits down on the cushion with me. I feel myself blushing, I better not be catching feelings. Even though he is quite attractive, he is a monster. A sick monster that has no true feelings.

Even though I'm trying to convince myself no, my body says yes and I scoot closer to him.

I finally decide to speak up and question him, "Why did you take me...?"

He clears his throat. "I couldn't just let such a beautiful girl go, and you would never had accepted a stranger asking for your number. That only left me one choice. I know it's wrong."

Tears uncontrollably flow from my eyes and I grip his tie. "Please let me go! Please! I can't take it anymore! I need my family and my friends!"

He seems shocked as he stands up and pushes me off and to the mattress. He takes in a deep breath and calms himself down.

"I apologize for that... I just wasn't expecting you to freak out." He speaks up with formality. His voice could lure anyone in, like a siren. He's just so attractive. No, I shouldn't say that. It's very wrong.

I avoid looking into his eyes, they're like poison. They are calling for me to look into them, I try to escape knowing my feelings will grow.

He must have noticed my blush because he bends down next to me and strokes my cheek. Does he love me? He said I was pretty before.

The moment is interrupted by loud knocking and the doorknob of the basement door jiggling.

"Dammit..." he mutters and stomps up the stairs, leaving me here. I hear him lock the basement door, shutting me inside alone.

I hear talking and chatting from above, it sounds a pretty heated like an argument.

The man named Leorio, he runs down the stairs and grabs me, making me yelp. "What are you doing?!" I shout.

He ignores my question and brings me to the main floor where police officers surround Kurapika.

For the millionth time, I cry, again. But this time it's out of relief, I'm finally being let go. I'm finally being saved from this hell.

I wail loudly as the arrest and cuff him, then shove him in the car. I listen to him desperately try and excuse his crimes, bickering back and forth with the cops.

He loves me.

Why do I feel broken, heartbroken? He cared for me, even when he was in a bad mood. He loved me...

Even if my body is frail and on the verge of collapsing, he helped me.


Enjoy this because I can't think of a good ending.

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