Identical to Rain, soon Hail

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Hi, I'm Rain. Wait, you know me?....

Rain, how beautiful you are indeed.

I've watched you for hours and almost forgot about,

The pain.

The pain in which my body endures,

Yet my smile shows such contradictions.

In my eyes you fall gracefully,

But how graceful can falling thousands of feet from the sky,

And splatting against the ground be?

Do you feel pain?

No one ever cares to ask so let me be the first.

What do you feel as you fall into your death bed?

Does it bother you that no one sees your pain?

But didn't you put on this show of beauty,

Because you rather get through it alone?

Would that make you selfish or selfless?

Don't you want help?

Do you not want them to worry?

Do you not feel as though we care enough to know?

Do you hate me?

Your pain calms me,

It makes me forget my own.

Don't you hate that your pain makes me content?

I know how you are Rain.

You can't deceive me.

There were times when you couldn't control yourself now could you?

When your heart grows cold you no longer care about your image,

Do you?

You're no longer soft and calming,

They even give you a new name.

During those times you are no longer peaceful,

You're loud and disturbing.

You no longer fall on my skin gently,

You no longer feel like,


You feel like little rocks.

Hi Hail,

Hail, how agonizing you are indeed.

I can't watch you for hours,

In fact I hate to look at you because you remind me of,

My pain.

The pain in which my body endures,

And now because of you,

My scowl is evidence of,

My pain.

In my eyes you fall ungracefully.

And as you fall thousands of feet from the sky,

And break against the ground,

You remind me of one thing.

My heart.

Yes, my heart feels pain.

But yet no one ever cares to ask if I feel pain,

So can you be the first?

I feel just as you as I wait for my time to come.


Yes, it bothers me that no one sees my pain.

Yes, I did put on a show,

So that I could go through it alone,

But how much could you have cared,

If you didn't even notice?

I don't know what that makes me!

Stop asking!

Yes, I want help,

Or maybe no,

I don't know.

No I don't want you to worry,

But why don't you?

You don't even care enough to know!

Because if you did, you would've known!

Yes I hate you.

How could my pain be seen as something okay to you?

Do I truly look okay?

Can you care enough to look closely for one damn second!

I hate that the happy show I put on makes you content.

Can't you see it's just a show?

You don't know me.


I have deceived you easily.

You don't care about my pain,

Until I can no longer control myself;

When my heart grows cold and I no longer care about my image.

Do you?

I no longer wear a smile.

You even call me new names.

Aggressive. That's my new favorite.

Because I'm no longer going to be peaceful.

Aren't I loud and disturbing?

I will no longer smile in your face.

You will say that I'm no longer me.

That I've changed.

But this has always been me.

You were just too blind by your carelessness.

So, let me provide you with a new name.

Reintroduce myself for your understanding.

Hi, I'm Hail. But you already know me... Right?


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