part 2

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Nobody's pov

You were on your way home your basket full of flowers once more.

Weirdly enough the lady wasn't there to play your daily game of tag this time.

But it did make sense since it was now well past midnight and everyone from the village was probably asleep by now.

You were contemplating what to do with your kimono since you still hadn't done anything about the huge ripp on the back of it

Wen you finally saw your house in the distance you started to lightly sprint to get there sooner.

But as you came closer you started to make out a large group of people in front of your home.

Confused you slowed down and hid behind a tree to observe what was happening.

You saw nearly all the village inhabitants in front of your small house.

There was one single man standing infront of all the other villagers he was standing on a wooden crate.

He was holding a lit torch wich flames slightly flickered in the night hair.

he gave a speech about how soon thanks to him the whole village will finaly rest easy.

"the evil witch will no longer be here to torment us all as she will be gone for ever!."

He proceeded to throw the torch into the gaps of your boarded windows.

Cheers and thanks emitted from the crowd as he stepped down into the crowd.

Wich carried him back into the village to celebrate the 'death of the evil witch'.

After they were all out of sight you came forward to inspect the burning remainders of your former home.

After a couple seconds yqou frowned at it slightly before walking off into the distance.

Time skip

The cold winter air was nipping at the exposed skin on your back.

you've already been walking for several hours the basket of flowers now empty.

sun was close to rising you would turn to dust if you didn't find shelter soon.

You wander around till you finally find a cave that would give shelter from the sun.

You were about to enter wen you heard a scraping sound almost as if someone whas digging at the ground in the cave.

You got a little nervous as you silently stood in the entrance of the cave.

At first you saw nothing but after a couple seconds a small head poped out of a hole in the back of the cave that you hadn't noticed before.

For a while you just stared at each other her big pink eyes seemingly starin into your soul

but as the sun was close to peering over the horizon you thought f*** it and just went into the cave still slightly hesitant though.

You pointed at the hole and tilded your head silently questioning her.

Coping your movement she tilted her head to the side seemingly processing what you did before quickly nodding.

You smiled before getting into the hole to protect yourself from the sun.

"Hmp" she sead.

"Hmp?" You repeated confused.

"Hmm" she sead while smiling? You couldn't really tell since she had a bamboo musle in her mouth.

After that you both staid silent just enjoying each other's company.

Until you heard a Male voice

"Nezuko? Nezuko were are you?

The girl you now knew as nezuko peared her head over the corner of the pit your's poping up a second later.

The boy seemed extremely confused about your appearance wich was understandable.

I mean how would you react if some random person he doesn't even know suddenly just appeared.

You smiled and waved at him wich just confused him even more.

Gradually he unsurely waves back
Wich earned him a bright smile from the cheerful girl.

Switch to tanjiro pov

I just came back from bying some bamboo and a old basket for nezuko.

I whant to be able to move during the day to cover more ground.

but when i looked into the cave i left her in she was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly her head poped out of a hole in the back of the cave.

"Is my sister turning into a mole"

I thought sweat droping.

But sudenly another head poped out of the hole.

i didn't recognize her at all so that just made me even more confused.

Who is this girl and why is she with nezuko?!

Is nezuko ok did that girl do something?!

A thousand thoughts went through my head.

I had no idea what to do with all these thoughts my head not having time to process anything.

But then i saw her wave at me and all these thoughts stopped for a split second.

I slowly raised my hand and weakly waved back.

Then she smiled in a way that could light up the entire world.
To be continued

Taisho whisper

The man who burned down your house had a history of fraud and petty theft he started spreading rumors about various villagers
To regain trust

Some flowers that are more rare
Give you the nutrition of 500 flowers basically having the same effect as merechi blood

150 flowers are roughly the equivalent of a young human

(Name) doesn't talk since she has no memories of her human life her speech is broken and she has trouble talking

Nezuko thought you were pretty wen she first saw you

Love you all guys bye💕

900 words

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