part 12

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Nobody's pov

You haven't been walking for long. but you already found a whole pile of flowers AND they were already picked.

Don't ask me why you thought it was normal for a pile of flowers to just be laying around randomly.

When you were about to eat them a net revealed itself capturing you along with the flowers.

So now you were hanging in a net while munching on flowers.

Before a crtain spider boy interrupted your meal.

"I didn't actually expect you to fall for that."

A deep voice said from below you said. You looked down and saw the spider looking kid from earlier.

"You will be my new sister"

He said with so much sureness in his voice.

You just tilted your head with a confused look on your face.

He pulled out a handful of flowers from his kimono poked. And you immediately nodded agreeing to whatever he just said.

You could have sworn you saw a small amused smile on his face for a second.

Before it disappeared and he sent some of his strings out to cut you free.

Before his strings reached the net he saw you weren't there anymore and all that was left behind in the net was a hole.

He looked around him before he noticed you sitting beside him.

Stealing some of the flowers he still had stored in his pocket.

He sweet dropped at your weird antics before draging you with him to the spider house.

You somehow got him to give you a pigy back ride. Rui said you would make a stop at the place were "mother" was.

"Tee hee hee the closer you get to me the thicker abd stronger my strings get. The same goes for my dolls."

A woman that in your opinion was wery pretty said.



she flinched at the sight of her so called "son"

"You can win right?"

It was obviously a question but it sounded almost like a threat.

"Am i taking a little to long?"

She said obviously nervous sweat running down her face.

"If you don't hurry I'll tell dad."

"It's all right i can do this! Count on me to protect you! You don't need to get him! Not him!"

"Then hurry up"

He said before disappearing along with you.

Time skip

Rui was cutting up his sister's face with his threads. While you were fast asleep while leaning on a tree.

"What are you looking at? This isn't a stage show!

They looked at eachother in silence for a while before tanjiro spoke up.

"What are you doing!? Aren't you her frien?!"

"Friend? Ouer connection is nothing so superficial. We are family strong ties bind us"

Rui said.

"Besides this matter is between me and my older sister. If you interrupt me, I'll carve you up."

"Wether you're family or friends, such bonds are always precious! Not being related by blood does not make a bond superficial!
And i can always smell trust between people with such strong ties! But between you guys i only smell fear hatred and loathing! I couldn't call that "family ties" it's a sham it's face!"

Rui was obviously upset about what tanjiro said. But before he could say anything some dooch cut him off.

"Oh, looks like i found just the right kind of demon! Even i Can slay a kid demon like this!"

"Wh- who are you!?"

Tanjiro asked

"You stay back! This one's mine."

We'll just call him douch from now on. but Anyway Douch continued

"If my rank goes up I'll start earning more money! Most of my unit got wiped out but I'll just slay one proper demon and head back down the mountain."

He started running towards rui his sword on the ready.

"No! Don't! You can't!..."

Tanjiro tried to warn him but it was to late. Rui cut him into hundreds of bite sized pieces.

Not that anyone would eat them though. Tanjiro looked at him in uter shock.

"What did you say!?"

Tanjiro looked at him questioningly

"You! what did you just say?"

A menacing aura surrounded rui as he held up a hand ready to atack. Depending on tanjiro's answer

"I'll say it again and again! Your so called family ties are fake!"
To be continued

Taisho whisper

Rui knew you liked flowers because he smelled the scent of pollen on you.

You fell asleep on rui's back.

Author is proud of herself for publishing twice today.


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