Comincia dall'inizio

"Sir Ivan and Touya! Our friends are really in danger, we got to help them!" I said. "We must save them!" Touya said. "To be or not to be, that is the question!" Ivan said.

"Shakespeare? Really?" I said. "He was a really good friend" Ivan said.

The Mummy Guards appeared in front of us. "Hold it right there, Rangers. This Halloween Party is now over. You three are coming with us" the Mummy Guard said. The Mummy Guards were grabbed. "It looks like we're going to court" I said.


The three of us appeared in the courtroom. "Well, look who's here" Scumlaw said. "Oh no, they caught Ivan, Kendall and Touya too" Chase said. "Well done, guards! These Rangers also must pay for the crimes we have just heard" Scumlaw said.

"They will be vaporized with the others!" the judges said. "Wait a minute!" I said. "What?" Scumlaw said. "It's clear that there are criminals here but it isn't the Rangers. It's the jury, unmask them!" I said.

"Wait! I object...don't touch them!" Scumlaw said. The jury has been revealed to be some Vivix, Poisandra and Curio. "They are Sledge's fiends!" Ivan said.

"The jury was rigged!" the judges said. "Scumlaw made us do it!" Curio said. All the monsters left the room. "You guards betrayed me. And I payed you good candy!" Scumlaw said.

The Mummy Guards has been revealed to be James and Phillip. "Dad!" Tyler called out. "Prince Phillip" Koda called out. "At your service" Phillip said.

"You're not my guards!" Scumlaw said. "The Rangers are found innocent of all the charges!" the judges said. The others were cheering. "And you Scumlaw is sentenced to be vaporized instead!" the judges said.

"What! No, your honors, I can explain everything! Actually, I lied...I can't explain anything" Scumlaw said. "Later!" Riley said. "Emergency recess time!" Scumlaw said as he teleported away. "Don't worry your honors, we can take care of him!" Tyler said.

"As you wish, you're released from custody! Court adjourned!" the judges said. We got teleported out of the courtroom.


All of us appeared in front of Scumlaw and some Vivix.

"It's time to pay for your trickery!" Ivan said.

"Taking the law into your own hands, Rangers? Come and get me!" Scumlaw said.

"It's Morphin' Time! Dino Charger!" Touya shouted. All of us held out our Dino Chargers.

"Ready!" all of us shouted. All of us pressed the button on our Dino Chargers and we placed it into our Morphers.

"Energize! Ha! Unleash the Power!" we shouted as all of us Morphed.

"Come on, guys! Don't let them off easily!" Tyler said.

All of us started to fight.

Suddenly, two Vivixzords appeared.

"Oh no!" Riley said.

"We better call for some backup!" Tyler said.

"Summon Zords!" Tyler, Chase, Koda, Riley and James shouted as they summoned their Zords to attack the Vivixzords.

All of us continued to fight the Vivix and Scumlaw while the Zords were fighting the Vivixzords.

"Can I getaway with a slap on the wrist?" Scumlaw questioned.

"Not this time, Scumlaw!" Tyler said.

Rexy destroyed the Vivixzords.

All of us regrouped.

"Yeah, you show them Rexy!" Tyler said.

"Give it up Scumlaw!" Ivan said.

"Never!" Scumlaw said.

All of us got out our Dino Blasters.

"Dino Morpher Blast!" Tyler shouted.

"Final Strike!" we shouted as all of us fired at Scumlaw and destroyed him.

"Monster Extinct!" Tyler shouted.


All of us were back at the Dino Museum. "Guys, if we get going now...we can still make it to the party" Tyler said. "Finally...we get to experience a real Halloween" Ivan said. All of us stopped as we saw two Mummy Guards coming up to us and Touya told Ellie to get behind him a little.

"We're taking you back to court, Rangers!" a Mummy Guard said. "Not again" Koda said. "We aren't going anywhere this time" Shelby said. "Trick or Treat" the Mummy Guards said as the two of them revealed to be Phillip and James.

"What are you two doing here?" Touya asked. "Since the two of us already have some costumes on..." Phillip started to say. "We thought that we could go too" James said. "Well, let's go!" Chase said as all of us left the the Dino Bite Café.

SPINO RANGER II {POWER RANGERS DINO SUPER CHARGE}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora