Chapter 1: An Interesting Meeting

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There was plenty of side-glances pointed his way as Wei Wuxian waltzed into the meeting hall on the second day of the Lans' annual week-long conference. Despite being an official Lan at this point, to Lan Qiren's dismay, he usually stayed away from important business, which had kept their volatile peace intact. Because as you'd expect, these meetings were unbelievably boring, and Wei Wuxian lacked the ability to sit still for more than ten minutes.

Today was no different, and so as if timed he was laying down in his husband's lap at the ten-minute mark. The other sect officials pretend he didn't exist and continued their discussions, which was to their surprise a successful tactic. Because today Wei Wuxian was being uncharacteristically silent. A fact which was even more unnerving as it made his presence into a ticking bomb, just waiting to explode.

Wei Wuxian was perfectly content spending his time playing with his husband's hair and making small gestures, which were less than appropriate for the setting. People unfamiliar with his husband would never be able to spot his amusing reactions. But at this point Wei Wuxian had become an expert at reading him and was currently reveling in the small expressions he managed to provoke out of him.

It was clear that Wangji as eager to leave and head back to their place, and Wei Wuxian had no intention of stopping him... once the meeting was over. He had overheard some of the leaders from minor cultivation sects talking about a very specific topic of conversation which would be brought up and was very interested in seeing his brother's face at the news. Ever since the Guanyin temple incident the cultivation world had peacefully been recovering and as such there wasn't much to report on.

Despite the meeting lasting an entire week they had already run out of matters to discuss and so the word had been handed over to the minor sects. The leaders of the major sects were leaning back, sipping on cups of newly served tea as they politely listened, without anyone truly paying attention. Wei Wuxian on the other hand sat up straight, giving his full attention, ready for the real show to begin. After some inconsequential talk about some minor thefts which had occurred the night prior a rather burly man addressed Jiang Cheng.

"Sect leader Jiang..." As Jiang Cheng looked over the man seemed to regret his decision as Wei Ying's brother always wore a scowl on his face. But with the support of the man on his right he continued to push forward. "What is your plan for settling down? Have you started looking for your future cultivation partner?" This was not an surprising question, after all the marriage of a major sect leader was a big deal, and if they were able to convince him to marry one of their daughters it would grant them a lot of power and wealth.

What was more surprising was the reaction of the man sitting next to his husband. Previously a rather relaxed Lan Xichen was now showing a rather frazzled expression, at least in terms of being a Lan. It wasn't enough to attract the attention of the room, but compared to Wangji's expression, the Lan sect leader wore his heart on his sleeve. It took only a second for the Lan to regain his composure, but this time he leaned forward a bit, now attentive to the conversation.

"I think I have made my stance on this subject quite clear" Jiang Cheng stated with finality.

"B-but..." the man on the right started "Your previous concern regarded the upbringing of Jin Ling. But the boy is now old enough to be taking over the Jin clan. Sect leader Jiang is not getting any younger and it is more than time to start thinking about getting a future heir of the Jiang clan"

"I believe I am still quite capable managing the Jiang clan on my own, or are you questioning my abilities?" This was of course not an answer to the question asked but it managed to silence the men. None of them wanted to face the wrath of clan leader Jiang, who had yet to grow out of his inferiority-complex. The air went silent, the deadly glare of Jiang Cheng was enough to make anyone stay silent. Everyone but one...

"No need to lie Jiang Cheng. Feel free to say it as it is". As Jiang Cheng's glare grew even darker Wei Wuxian turned to the two men who had brought up the topic. "After all, my brother here is more of a romantic than I am". The men looked at him with disbelief, after all no matter how much they tried they weren't able to ignore the actions of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, who were acting shameless at any opportunity given. Had Wei Wuxian not placed himself in the lap of his husband just now during this very conversation?

"Wei Wuxian" Jiang Cheng hissed trying to cut his brother off from what other ridiculousness he was about to spout. But this did nothing to stop him, in fact it only egged him on.

"If I ever marry it will be though mutual love" Wei Wuxian said lowering his voice and puffing up his chest to imitate his younger brother. Another glare was directed his way.

"Am I lying though?" Wei Wuxian shot his brother a smug smile greatly enjoying the silence which followed. Jiang Cheng wasn't able to deny the truth. After having seen his parents failing marriage and the heartbreak his sister had gone though Jiang Cheng had become very against the idea of an arranged marriage. And after gaining the belief that no one could ever love him he would likely stay single forever. Wei Wuxian, wishing the best for his brother intended on doing anything in his power to prevent this from happening.

The topic of marriage was dropped as there was no one else willing to continue the conversation with him. Yes, he would have been perfectly able to continue all on his own but since he had no further interest in it, Wei Wuxian let it rest.

He once more laid back down onto Lan Wangji's lap and waited for the meeting to finish. Initially he had intended to leave with his husband the moment he was done, but as it turned out there had been some very interesting information to be gleamed from coming here today. The remainder of the meeting lasted for less than an hour. People started to leave but Wei Wuxian was determined to stay behind and wait for one person in particular. As they were leaving a few people walked up to Lan Xichen to pay their respect to the Lans, given that they were organizing the meeting.

It did not take long for the hall to grow silent, everyone going on their own separate ways. The only people left were the Lan siblings and Wei Wuxian. Intending to leave Lan Xichen bowed to Lan Wangji and was about to do the same to his brother-in-law when he was put off guard by the smirk on Wei Wuxian's face.

"I did not expect Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian to attend this year. Did you find the meeting informative?" Lan Xichen asked with a polite smile.

"Very informative, in fact I happened to notice that you were quite surprised by people inquiring about my brother's future marriage. Being unmarried and in a similar position I am sure you must be used to people inquiring about your own marriage as well, no?" he probed.

"Not at all, perhaps it's because the Lans don't allow for gossip."

Wei Wuxian was unconvinced, that might have been true for a regular Lan but Lan Xichen was the Sect Leader, no way it wasn't greatly discussed behind closed doors. He looked up at Lan Wangji, who only nodded to confirm what his brother had said. Wei Wuxian raised an eyebrow at this but was satisfied enough as to let Lan Xichen leave. As soon as he was out of earshot he questioned his husband who once again confirmed that it was indeed the truth, although it wasn't painting the full picture. After the topic had brought up on one of the internal Lan meetings Lan Xichen had had a private conversation with Lan Qiren, after which the man had been out of it for weeks. Afterwards no one had dared to bring up the topic again. Lan Wangji had attempted once, but his brother had shrugged him off and so he had let it go.

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