1) Arrived

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announcement: Ladies and gentlemen we have arrived at your final destination: NEW YORK.

You guys soon leave the plane and head to pick up your luggage. It was early in the morning, too early to say morning as the sun was nowhere to be seen.

You stretched at the uncomfortable feeling settling in your legs and the jet lag hit you like a brick.

Oh god, I'm so tired that all I wanna see is a bed. WOULD BE BETTER IF IT'S MIN-

"Cmon y/n you can rest back at the hotel"

Ochako stated as she gently grabbed you to follow her into the taxi.

"Kingsman Hotel, Please," Mina said to the driver as she took out her phone to talk with someone.

"Yeah, don't worry we will be there soon. We can plan on that later"

Unable to keep your eyes open any longer, you drifted off to sleep.

•⋗⁙ ——— ♥♪                 ♪♥ ——— ⁙⋖•

"Y/n babe, wake up we are here" You were gently shaken to wake up by Mina. You adjusted your eyes to the surroundings. It was the hotel and you also noticed Ochako was gone.

"Where's Ochako pinks?" You ask as you grab your bags and follow along with her to the front desk.

"We had her drop out with Deku and, said he still has room for her"

Mina said as she glanced around the main hall, trying to find someone.

You nodded as you tried to register the luxurious hall.

"Hey, I'm gonna hang till any of the boys come by, I need to talk to them first before I go to my room" Mina stated as she asked the receptionist for a room key.

"This will be your room. I'm sure you're dying to see a comfy bed" She said as she slightly chuckled and handed you the room key and with no hesitation, you grabbed it and quickly thanked her. Without any other words, you were headed to the lift.

You scanned the key as you desperately tried to keep yourself standing.

"Let's see uh.. room 607, awesome"


"Alright.. uhh room 550-600.. no"

You look over at the paper beside the buttons and try to find your room number.

"Ah room 601-649 20th floor"

You pressed the button to the floor and yawned tiredly trying to shake off your jet lag.

How big is this shit, 20th floor, I'm about to see the whole city from there, ha

The lift doors open to the floor and you walk out in mind of just seeing that fluffy bed.

Ok.. almost there, 563 eh-

You suddenly became wide awake with the fact that you were on the wrong floor. And seeing that you were out of sight of the lift, you didn't even know how long you walked from there.

Ah fuck.. me...

You rub the bridge of your nose you try to find your way back to the lift but seem further away more and more.


You look around trying to find signs or anything that could lead you back but are interrupted by a large figure and you bump into it.

"Ack- oh sorry I wasn't.." 

You trailed off as you saw a handsome tired-looking man staring you down behind his long black hair.


Holy Mother of pearl-

"It's fine" The man replied with a rough voice that sent shivers down your spine in so many wrong ways.

Y/n fucking hold yourself together.

"If you wouldn't mind.."
 You started again remembering how lost you were at the moment.

"Could you tell me which way the lift is? I just couldn't find the way back"
You asked as you tried to adjust your position to create distance from the man.

"Sure, I'm just headed there. I'll take you there if you like"
 The man stated as he bypassed you to lead the way.

"O-Oh yea yea thank you"
 You stutter slightly as you try to brush off the heat on your face. 
You both walked for quite a while before the lift appeared. 

He stated as he moved his way out from the lift and let you in first before he stepped in and asked which floor you were headed to. You quickly told him the floor (which was right above this floor).


The lift doors open to show the empty hall.

"Thank you again,"
You said to the man as you stepped out of the lift.

"Not a problem,"
 The man said as the door started to close again.

"Have a good one."
He added as the door closed.

•⋗⁙ ——— ♥♪               ♪♥ ——— ⁙⋖•

You found your room and opened the large door to reveal a suite with such a comfy bed.


You drop your bags and take off your tops as you climb onto the bed and feel the soft sheets around your skin.

now this is heaven

You start to lie comfortable as you remember the stranger on the lift. You blushed as you registered the man's figure and his presence. You strangely felt like you had seen this man before.

I wonder if I have seen him before

You shook your head as you laughed at the foolish thought. 

It's just a huge coincidence. He just has that kind of face.

You toss around in the bed to face the ceiling letting your eyes weigh with the drowsiness of your jet lag.

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