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Hi, my name is Y/N. 

I've led a very different life from most people who live on Remnant, so let me fill you in. 

I was born to a family who didn't want me. I was sent away to some home where life was... let's just say bad. I did make one friend there though; her name was Neo and she had my back. The two of us lived in that home until we were kicked out for causing trouble at the age of thirteen.

Two thirteen-year-olds living on the street, as you can imagine life wasn't fantastic and we did have to do some things that weren't legal to get by but we had no other choice. We had two years of living this way before she upped and left in the middle of the night, with no note or explanation. 

Life got harder without someone to watch my back but I got by. I had to start working for a man named Junior. I did small jobs for him until I earned his trust and started to do most of the bigger jobs too, that was until one day things went bad and I got caught, by a huntsman no less. Surprisingly, the huntsman seemed to pity me and my situation so he took me in. Oh, did I mention he was a drunk?  

I travelled with the drunk huntsman for a year or so, he trained me to fight. It was very difficult and took a lot out of me, I met his family too. Well, I met his nieces and friend Tai but never his sister, he didn't speak of her much. His nieces were a lot of fun, they were called Ruby and the other Yang. Ruby was childish and funny while Yang was very flirty and hot-headed. I always enjoyed being around them. 

Qrow taught at Signal Academy where he let me train when school was over, Ruby was there quite a lot for that too. The missions were where my real training happened though, Qrow told me about his semblance, Misfortune. It caused bad luck all around him, that is why he used to travel by himself most of the time. It was really hard to train with this semblance being around but it did mean that I had to try so much harder. 

One day while on a mission the semblance caused me to make a mistake and get injured whilst fighting some grim. After that Qrow didn't want to bring me on missions anymore so, I did some myself. 

I became a sort of 'Huntsman'. I wandered around the world for a year helping people out where I could. I stopped some criminals and saved villages from grimm. Overall, it had been a good year for me since setting out on my own. I had gotten quite a bit of money from it even though I never charged for my assistance. 

That's enough about me, time to get to the real story. 

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