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10 Minutes before the play would start. Wataru had just finished getting ready for his role. He was wearing a peignoir like dress, his beautiful long hair put up underneath his ivory colored bonnet.

The first act would start with him and some other actors dancing by a 'cauldron' in a 'forest'. While adding the last touches on his makeup, he went over certain parts of his text again.

"I'll fly to Mama. I'll fly to Mama." after a few seconds of thinking his lips parted:
"...something still feels off. " he muttered under his breath.
"I'll fly to Mama. Let me fly!"
Just as he had finished those lines Hokuto, who would also be part of the play, rushed inside the room. Thus making Wataru turn around, resulting in him tipping over various make-up products.

"Please excuse my abrupt intrusion." he bowed, lifting his head again to continue speaking.
"I was sent to get you since the play will be starting shortly."
"My my, Hokuto there's no need to be so formal~"
Hokuto, who had now seen the tipped over make-up gasped in shock, bringing his hands up to his mouth to cover it.
"Wataru-senpai, your dress!"

Wataru, who had not noticed the tipped over make-up before, was also shocked at the sight before his very eyes.
"Well that is most unfortunate, I must say."
He smiled at Hokuto before putting the makeup back in place.
His beautiful white dress, now stained with foundation and various other make-up products.

"What are we gonna do-? You're supposed to be on stage in-" Hokuto pulls out his phone checking the time.
"In three minutes?!"
He just stares at Wataru with a shocked and panicked expression, waiting for him to say something.
Wataru just stands there, thinking about what to do next. He can't go on stage with a dress looking like this. Then what should he do?

"Hokuto. Come here and help me." he turns around and begins to open some of the make-up products, Hokuto hurrying to his side.
"What are you doing-?"
"Hokuto we have two minutes, no? Help me open the make-up!"
Once he had a good amount of make-up ready he started staining the dress even more.
"Wataru-senpai what are you doing?!"
Hokuto looked at him in shock, expecting anything but that from the man.

"They won't notice the stains if the whole dress is stained, no?" he said with a big smile on his face.
"Wataru-senpai are you out of your mind?! There is no way they would let you on stage looking like this! " Hokuto exclaims, worry lacing his voice.
"They would not be able to perform the play without me so they have no choice but to let me on stage~"

Wataru had to be kidding. There was no way he would actually go on stage with a ruined dress, was there?
A heavy sigh escaped Hokutos lips before he also started smearing make-up on Watarus dress.
After the dress had been quite covered, Hokuto went to check the time on his phone again.

"One minute Wataru-senpai!"
As soon as Wataru heard those words he started dashing towards the door. Before exiting the room he turned to face Hokuto one last time.
"Fufu, thank you Hokuto~"
With that he started sprinting towards the stage.
Hokuto just stood there, phone in hand, still processing everything that had happened in such a short amount of time.
"Ha~ you're welcome senpai." he whispered to himself while turning around to clean up the vanity.


"Hibiki! There you are, the play is going to start any second-"
The person was cut off by a teacher telling everyone, who would be on stage for act 1, to get ready and go on stage.
When Wataru passed by the teacher, her eyes widened in shock.
"Hibiki your dress- just don't mess up your play."
Wataru nodded eagerly giving the teacher a big and bright smile.
Things were going just as he had expected.

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