This place was a world away from the village she knew so well.

As she let her gaze wander, Sakura's eyes widened at the sights that greeted her.

Colorful buildings lined the streets, their architecture so unlike the traditional structures of Konoha. The bustle of daily life continued around her, but the faces that passed her by were those of strangers.

None of them held the characteristic shinobi aura that she had grown accustomed to sensing.

A shiver of unease ran down her spine once more. This was not the world she was supposed to go; this was a reality that was so far removed from her own that it left her feeling disoriented.

The very air felt different, lacking the familiar scent of earth and nature that she associated with the Hidden Leaf.

Sakura's heart raced as her thoughts spun in a whirlwind.

Sakira slid down slowly, her head buried in her knees, her entire body trembling with uncertainty and fear.

Her eyes remained tightly shut, as if trying to block out the harsh reality that surrounded her.

She didn't care if curious passersby cast questioning glances in her direction. In that moment, the world could have stopped and stared, but it wouldn't have made a difference.

This was not her beloved Konoha.

This was not the familiar village she had known, with its bustling streets, friendly faces, and the comforting presence of her comrades.

The air was different, heavy with an unfamiliar smells that sent shivers down her spine.

A myriad of thoughts swirled in her mind, each one a conflicting storm of confusion and doubt.

Where was she? How had Tsunade-shishou's attempt to alter the past gone so terribly wrong?

She chuckled silently, the sound carrying a hint of madness as she mouthed these thoughts to herself. Her eyes trembled, lips wobbling with the weight of her inner turmoil.

"What's the point of time travel when you end up somewhere instead of the past?" The question hung in the air, a bitter irony that twisted in her mind.

Haruno Sakura had once believed that accepting the opportunity to manipulate time and fate was a wise choice.

While she may not have been the most qualified candidate, fate had conveniently placed her near Tsunade-shishou who had a forbidden scroll on her hands as her team and the shinobi forces faced devastation.

There was no time.

Her mission had been clear: rewrite the past. Eradicate Danzo. Free Sai from Danzo's clutches. Obliterate Danzo to be sure.

Did she mention the burning desire to rid the world of Danzo?

And that wasn't all; she intended to take down Madara, Zetsu, and even the Akatsuki.

She had been resolute in her determination to kill them all, convinced it was the only way to save her beloved village.

Yet now, in this unfamiliar future where everything was so wrong, she questioned the sanity of her past ambitions.

Sakura's attention was abruptly pulled from her thoughts as a familiar voice cut through the air, accompanied by a name that had haunted her throughout her childhood.

"Hey, forehead!" The words hit her like a jolt, and she slowly turned her head, her eyes locking onto the source of the voice with the intensity of a hawk fixating on its prey.

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