| Chapter 12 |VOID |

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                 ⁉️ Warning  ⁉️
                  Panick attack

[3rd person's POV]

Stella's eyes opened.

She looked around, trying to figure out her surroundings.
It was only pure darkness.

There was no one there.
Just pure darkness.

She walked around calling out
"Hello,is there anyone there?"
There was no answer.
Her soft voice echoed across the dark and empty room.

Stella's brows furrowed, she was getting nervous. Her eyes shifted across when she heard foot steps.
"Hello, who are you?"
She asked as a figure appeared out of the darkness.
The strange figure didn't say anything.

The figure started walking faster and faster towards the teenager.
Soon it ran and ran,Stella got scared and alittle nervous.
No,I'm lying ALOT nervous.

She back up alittle and started running, the figure still coming after her.
Tears fell down Stella's face, she was so scared and alone,no one except her and that strange figure was there.

She didn't know what to do.

Soon the strange figure ran faster and caught up with her.
It jumped on top of her and looked her in the eye.
Images of her mother flashed as the figure looked at her.

Stella didn't know the meaning of this dream or nightmare.

And just like that, the dream ended


Her eyes opened and she looked around to see Miles' sleeping figure.

Her eyes softened at the sight of him. She moved off the bed and walked out of the room to the kitchen.

She poured herself a glass of water and took out a sachet from
her pocket.

It contained pills...
Sleeping pills.

She took out about 2 and threw it in her mouth.
She looked blankly at the water and drank it.

Images of the dream she just had flashed through her eyes.
Tears formed.

Stella started to cry.

She told herself not to cry.
To be a strong girl.

She just couldn't hold it in anymore.
She hated to bottle up her emotions.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
It was Miles.
"Don't cry I'm here...."
Miles said in a soft voice
Stella turned herself and cried on
Miles' chest.

"Shh, it's ok."
Miles was comforting her.

Suddenly she felt so loved.

Miles planted a soft kiss on her forehead and she fiddled with his braids.

They remained like that for a minute or two.

In each other's warmth.

Stella's eyes shifted up at Miles.
His eyes looked down.
Stella's eyes were puffy and red.

Miles' planted a soft passionate kiss on her lips.

They remained in each other's arms.

She really did love him.


I posted again⁉️⁉️⁉️😈😈
So Miles and Stella like confessed their feelings and shit like that.
And so they aren't dating for now.
They do give each other kisses and shit like that.
So their like just friends.
For now

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