as i move my feet

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i am no lyricist, not one so pure and holy

so as to succumb to melodies and harmonies

in my moments of weakness or despair.

perhaps such spares me from falling into cliches,

or condemns me to suffer them by comparison

in an eternity of want and sleight-of-hand

which draws me up short every time.

i would argue that i am, at best, unproductive

and at my worst i become self destructive

of the very things i base my pride upon

until i have been told so many things,

disagreed with half of them and was perplexed

by the rest---to the point of complete collapse---

that i need not confide in anyone at all.

but i can hold no chorus, only ever recite

in a manner so terribly religious as to

shame the very nature of gods or divinity.

i cannot form a verse, nor conceptualize a tune

to which i could dance much more wholly

than any tune i had learned before,

as that tune would be mine, or so i might say,

for who could even possess the birth

and essence of a tune when every note

belongs to anyone who dared to dance at all.

instead i give myself to those who give themselves

to tunes and dances entirely out of my control,

and i, too, become those notes and my steps

belong to their cadence like slaves building a tomb:

on the outside a grandiose relic to live on for ages

and on the inside to sustain and display

some lowly stage of decomposition.

i have no pointed hat with which to adorn

my bowing, curtseying, demeaning and exulting head

and still i play the fool in this dance of poetry--

or rather, a stanza set with expectation and utterly remiss

of any poetic fulfillment or lyrical potential,

just like my relenting dance void of any intention.

i move so as to move, so as to distract myself

from never moving at all. i recite so as to speak,

so as to further deny that i never sing a real song:

true of glory or the barest breath of meaningful life,

bereft of the lugubrious tendencies i am---

or so i would proclaim---cursed by, or cursed with.

a melodic dance in harmony with the very nature of peace;

a statute of potential turned into action

and not just an alphabet arranged haphazardly

by some graceless and undeserving hand

that cannot dance nor sing for itself,

but only puppeteer.

the stretching silhouetteKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat