What to expect?

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Here's what I pay close attention to when delving into a story:

Description: Does it capture my interest? Does it set my expectations high for an engaging story?

The Beginning: Is it attention-grabbing? Does it make me eager to read more?

Balance: I focus on the interplay between narration and dialogue.

Excitement, Drama, Cliffhangers, Emotions: Does your story keep me engaged with these elements?

Grammar and Writing Style: I'll provide feedback on these crucial aspects.

Fluency: Is it easy to read and follow?

Chapter Length: I'll consider whether they are an appropriate length for your story's pacing.

I don't adhere to a specific point system because I believe such systems can be unfair to writers. Every story is unique and should be evaluated as such, rather than being forced into rigid point criteria within the first few chapters. 

I'm sure many of you have encountered systems where the first few chapters receive low scores because character development or drama might not be fully fleshed out yet. Naturally, this doesn't give a complete picture of a story's potential.

There's no one-size-fits-all recipe for what makes a good story, but it's often quite easy to write a truly bad one.

Genres I'm Comfortable With: Romance, Horror/Thriller, Dark Romance, Fantasy, Mystery, Monsters, and stories with heavy sexual content.

Genres I'm Not Comfortable With: LGBTQ+, Religion, Fanfiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry. (I don't feel competent enough in this area)

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