Part 1

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Tiffany's pov

*beep* *beep* *beep*

"Urgh, you gotta be shitting me." I thought to myself rolling over in bed on a bright and early Monday morning to turn my alarm off.

I squint my eyes open trying to adjust to the bright sunlight shining through the drapes. Here it is, my first day of a new school that to be honest I am seriously not looking forward to.

I have no interest in school. I could think of alot better things I could be doing than spending my entire day around a bunch of kids I don't know and have no intentions of getting to know at that. But my parents being the way they are see that I don't disappoint them anymore than I already have.

Oh yeah let me put you in the picture. My parents are business people, always on business trips so to say I practically raised myself is pretty on point. Don't get me wrong we got a pretty decent house with a huge garden and a pool outside but that's about it.


"I'M UP JESUS WOMAN YOU WANNA SCREAM ANY LOUDER!!" I shout back only to meet a scoff.

I roll outta bed and over to my closet and pick out my outfit for my first day so I decided on a pair of blue ripped jeans, a van Halen band tee, that I tied in a not in the front showing off my belly button piercing and my black doc martins. I make my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, then I tease out my hair to give it that extra volume and complete my look with some eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick, adding my rings and hoop earrings.

I grab my pack of smokes off my bedside table and make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen for an apple where my parents are grabbing their keys and heading out for work, but not before giving me a warning.

"If I get one and I mean one call to my office that you have managed to cause a disruption at this school then believe me you are going to be very sorry when I get home. Understand?" My mom warns me whilst putting on her fur coat.

"Yes I got it mom, don't worry you won't have any trouble from me." I look down at my feet and snigger to myself before my dad speaks up.

"This is serious Tiffany. It is bad enough that we had to move in general because you got kicked out of school for being a delinquent, not to mention the shame you brought to us." He said sternly as though I wasn't his kid but more his imployee. Like it was my fault anyways.

"Sure dad I got it. No causing any trouble, no getting calls sent to you about my behaviour and bring no shame to you both. Yes sir!" I say with a salute.

My parents shake their heads at me before leaving the house, I also shake my head and laugh before walking to the front do and grabbing my leather jacket off the hook and heading out to my baby.

Chevrolet camaro 1970, now don't think my parents got this for me because they didn't. Let's just say I had to do alot of favours and jobs to get this baby. I turn on the ignition and listen to the roar of the engine and put in my Dio tape and blast Rainbow in the Dark and make my journey to hell.

I pull up and park in the parking lot to Hawkins High and am immediately ready to get this day over with. I get outta my car and make my way through the parking lot passed students before I'm stopped.

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