oh my

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Cam pov

Cam Dante rape yuh? He ask

I got up and went to the bathroom

Camille answer mi

I shut the bathroom door In his face

I wait a few minutes before I came out
And He's still there

Camille answer mi nuh he said

It's nothing, just a nightmare I'm having nothing much I

I brush I teeth and went downstairs a ppl is still there
I went to the kitchen and get some grapes to feed my baby

I when in the living room and see everyone, including my bby

I take him from his mother and start feeding him with grape

Couple second his father comes for him, saying his gonna go over his grandma
I can't argue with that I gave him my -no , his bby
And he went outside and came back in

Look like dem did out side

Shanti don't even greet them she just siddung
Summo, must wrong, mi soon ask har a wah

Let's play a game Tish said

What kinda a game Shanti said

True or drink Tish said

Cool the guys said

Let me start first Shanti said
Tish, what's your body count?

5, she answer

5!! To blct , Tish you a gwann
Nosah a wonda a wah a Shanti own I said in my mind

My time, Shanti what's yours I ask

She said 4

Four!!!a who she a deh wid suh and mi nuh kno

A me a lone a 3,
Mi coulda 2, but since mi get rape suh yea and Dante

Zevi turn , would you still in a relationship with me if I have a baby out their he ask

And Shanti Tek up the vodka a pour it out in the shot cup and turn it up here head

Yuh nah ansa he ask
Me Tek mi shot instead of an answer

Rome turn , cam what's your body count he ask

Rome pov

Now it's my turn
Cam what's your body count I ask

3 she said
Who else fuck yuh I ask getting angry

That's non of your business she answer back and then she look at Shanti and Shanti look back on her

A trey turn
Rome would you eat the buff he ask me

Dah man yah man

I take a shot
And everybody staring at me

Let's do this over my house since your mother wants to sleep and much , more strong liquor over their

Ok everyone says

Cam pov

Shanti a Tek har man car as well as Tish
Thank God me have a car my sub

Come Tek my car he says

No it's ok I can drive

Camille my mother shouted
Yes , mommy

Lend mi yuh car she said

Fi why I ask
Mi affi tell yuh why she argue back

Ok mom the key is in my room on the table I said

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