"I understand. Anything that involves kids, your mind just zones in on saving them. All rational thinking, out the door." Lindsey said and Eddie nodded. "Yeah. So how'd you even hear about it?"

"Well I heard about the whole gas leak and stuff from the news but Buck was actually the one to tell me about your save." Lindsey told him. "I see..." Was all he said. Lindsey looked at his face but for the first time she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"So you and Buck...you guys have been hanging out a lot?" Eddie asked her. "Yeah, I guess the whole thing with Maddie just brought us closer. You know? But don't worry, I'm not stealing your best friend." Eddie laughed, "I wasn't worried." He told her and then they were silent again.

"So...how are things with you and Shannon? You know, you never told me you were married." Lindsey had finally brought it up. She hadn't gotten the chance to ask him, until now. "Uh yeah, well she had only just recently came back into my life. It's kind of hard to explain."

"That's okay. I bet Christopher's happy." Lindsey said. "Yeah, he is. He misses you, you know." Eddie told her. "I miss him too. I'll have to come visit soon, as long as that's okay with you?" Eddie smiled at her, "Of course. You're welcome over anytime."

Later that night Lindsey made her way back over to station 118. She had heard about the bank and what happened to Hen. She wanted to check on them and make sure they were doing okay.

When she walked in this time, she was not prepared for what she saw. First she saw the cop cars, then after passing those she saw the crew with unhappy and surprised looks on their faces. "What's going on?" She asked, making her presence known. Her eyes kept moving and they landed on a big pile of cash on the ground, and then when she looked up she was met with a familiar face.

"Detective Walsh." She said though her tone wasn't happy. She was glaring at the man. "Lindsey Scott. Aren't you supposed to be..."

"I transferred." She said, cutting him off. "What's going on here?" She crossed her arms, taking a couple steps closer.

"There was a robbery today at the bank." Walsh said, looking between the money on the floor and 118. Lindsey laughed, "And what? You think they are the ones responsible?" Walsh raised his brow, "The money did come out of their truck and they were there during the robbery."

Lindsey did have to admit that it was suspicious. But she knows these people and she knows they would never do anything like that. "Look Walsh, I can vouch for them. They're a good group, okay? So why don't you just move on to your next suspect."

"Can't do. As of now they are the only suspects and they will all be coming in for questioning. Including you." He said and her eyes went wide. "You want to question me? I wasn't even near the bank at all today."

"It doesn't matter if you were or not. You know this group and your here now. That's all the evidence I need."

The following morning they were at the LAPD to begin questioning. "Scott, you're first." Walsh said.

She had sat in many interrogation rooms before but she was normally the one asking the questions, not answering them.

"Now I want to make one thing very clear before we begin, this is my case. So don't think you can try and worm your way into it. You can call as many people as you want but you will not get me off this case. Do you understand?" Walsh asked.

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