TNT houses massacre

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Lynix's POV

I woke up and made myself breakfast, I leave the kitchen for 10 minutes and come back to see an empty plate.

"I didn't eat it" - I think to myself and look around, I look at my cats but they are sleeping, I then look out the window but see nothing.

"Okay.. today without breakfast I guess.." - In the back of my mind I knew who did it, but I wasn't 100% sure.
After a minute I hear someone knocking at my door, I quickly go there and open them to see Kiply, as always with her black blindfold, her hair is brown and long, I just realized that I never really seen her eyes but I ignore it

"Yo! Kiply! What you doing here!" - Kiply just comes into my house without a word.. I start to get suspicious until she already talks

"Lynix, listen man, I know you are paranoid and all.. but you need calm down!" - She almost yelled at me, I didn't know what she was talking about I didn't do anything and I'm not paranoid!

"What did I do?" - I ask confused

"I know Rage and I weren't believing you and all.. but blowing up my house!?" - She yelled - "I've had a lot of thing there! You can't just come in and blow up somebody's house! That's insane!" - I was really confused, I quickly looked at the chat when a massage popped up, Kiply did the same thing, it was Doni.. he joined the game..? He just changed from vanish I shouldn't be surprised.. but I was, he never leaves vanish.. He never plays minecraft normally!
"" Hi Doni! "" A massage from Kiply popped on and quick ""Heey!!"" from Doni almost right after.

"That's weird.." - I said to myself

"And you are up with this again.. leave the man alone, he just wants to play survival." - Kiply said

"Remember what happened last time when he "just wanted to play survival?" I don't trust him" - I said leaving my house, Kiply also quickly left and we went for a walk, we went in a cave, we went to Liger for some carrots and he acted really weird, like he knew something but didn't want to tell us, on the bridge Kiply and I said goodbye and she went to the village where she's living, I wanted to go to my house.. but.. it wasn't there, it got blown up, my whole house got blown up and nothing was left, everything was gone.

"DONI!!" - I yelled and after 3 minutes Doni flew over to me, I took out my sword and swing it at him but I couldn't even touch him, I knew he wasn't doing survival but I wanted to kill him, even if it wouldn't work.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" - I yelled at Doni as he looked at my house

"Oh my god.. what happened?" - He asked, fake shocked, he's a terrible actor - "Don't worry Lynix! You can be my roommate!" - before I got to say anything I saw darkness and hit the ground.

Doni's POV

This house next to the village? Trap, I use it only for trolls, my real house is somewhere far away from others so I can play in peace when there's no-one on the server and I'm not making a video, I don't play survival minecraft that's true, but I do build sometime.
But we are not going to my house, we are going.. somewhere else.

Lynix's POV

I wake up, in a cage..? What is going on? I look around and see a scary monster in a cage next to me, I quickly go to the corner away from that creature, I then hear Doni's voice

"Hey Lynix! You woke up I see!" - I could hear him but I didn't see him, he's in vanish, of course he's in vanish.
After a minute I see Doni in a lab coat with a message "Doni joined the server" on the chat.

"What do you want, Doni!?" - I yelled and he just laugh

"Lynix, I'm Doctor Donji! Not Doni." - Doni said rolling his eyes, oh.. yeah.. Dr. Donji, his alternative self.. an evil doctor, that explains why I am in a cage with some monster in the cage next to mine.

"Okay.. what do you want.. Doctor?" - I said almost throwing up, why did I said that? I shouldn't be calling him that..

"So, yeah! Lynix! This is your room!" - Doni-.. Donji said with smile

"This cage!? What the- is something wrong with you?" - I asked and he just laughed.. his.. stupid annoying but also cute laugh.. no, stupid and annoying laugh. Yes.

"This cage? No, no, no, I'm not a monster Lynix!" - He said taking out the chat and texting something on it, when he clicked enter I just saw that I was in a different room, I mean, it's the same room but it looked more like a bedroom. - "This is your room!.. and also mine, we are in my house, of course it's gonna be also my room..- shut up" - He said and looked at me, I didn't say anything so it was weird that he told me to shut up, but okay.

"Wait.. so we are sleeping.." - I didn't end the sentence

"On one bed, yes, don't worry, I won't troll you or anything! You are my roommate now, aren't you?" - I couldn't help but blush.. what!? On one bed!? He's insane.. what is he gonna do next! Turn the time to night!?..
As I said, he did.. he turned time to night.. or did I not see like the night was coming? I think it's the first one.. although I didn't see him take out the chat so I'm not sure now.. but it's always his fault.

"Oh, look! It's night, well.. let's go to bed, it's been a long day for you.. accused for blowing up Kiply's house.. we all know it was Liger, Liger like blowing up stuff, and then your house blew up.. what a coincidence" - He said the last thing with a smile so I started to get pretty suspicious about him. Liger isn't leaving his house for a week because he's building a basement.. or is he? There's one thing I know, Doni is onto something.

"You're right, I should get some sleep, it's really weird that my house blew up" - I said to him and went to the bed.. but went pass it and quickly broke the one block in the wall, we were still in the overworld

"What are you doing?" - Doni asked looking at me as already he put on his pajama and was sitting on bed, I put the block back on its place.

"I thought it's one of your trolls. That we are in a nether and I would blow up when I lay on bed" - I said blushing from embarrassment.

"Why you thought that? I would never do that !" - He said smiling, we both knew how many times he did such thing, he then gave me.. his hoodie? - "I will get you your pajama tomorrow, today you need to sleep in this because I have nothing else for you" - He said taking his owl mask off, I left the room and went to the first door that looked like a bathroom, I went in front of a mirror and looked in it, then started to change, I just took off my pants and changed my shirt to his hoodie.
It was perfect, I knew that Doni likes to wear oversized clothes, but he's 6'3 and I'm 6'6 this is really oversized clothing, but hey, at least it's not too small nor too big, okay, it is kinda bigger.. I wonder how Doni does that he looks like this hoodie is perfect for him, he needs to teach me this trick.

I need help, why am I doing this? It's literally 1036 words, written in 2 days, I need life.

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