Chapter 2 When Worlds Collide

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(Alex POV)

After I finish work, I say goodnight to my coworkers and walk around getting some drinks for the weekend. As I checkout I talk to some of my coworkers about my loans for spring break. "Yea I'm planning on going to our family cabin out of town. It's so great there this time of year I'm gonna have hella fun." Addison looks up from her work phone and back at me, "Well good luck Alex weather app says it's gonna start snowing soon." she remarked while snickering. I put a hand across my temple. "Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk, of course it has to start snowing right before spring break. That's just lovely. Well, I hope you have a good weekend, Addi." I huff. She just keeps snickering and starts waving "Bye Alex enjoy your break!!"

I walk out to my car and start the drive home. I get a text from my parents stating that they have already left, and they'll see me when I get out there. I put my phone back in the cup holder and finish my drive home, I turn my wipers on as it starts raining and I roll my eyes. I park sideways in the driveway and run inside really quick and start packing my bag for the weekend. After I get all my clothes and my electronics in there, I grab my sweatshirt and grab my bag while heading out the door and walk to my car realizing the rain has already turned into snow. "Ugh fucking hell" I mutter. As I'm getting in my car, I put Spotify on and start driving out to the cabin. I turn up the radio, flick the wipers and yawn as the ride continues. I look at the radio to check the time and figure I have about 20 more minutes till I get there. I start slowing down when I get past the heavily wooded area, and I look down for a second to change the song. "Hmmm which one to pic-" SLAM!

(Tony POV)

I Get dressed after a while and grab a sweatshirt after Luke texts me. Luke was such a good friend it's a shame that he's moving away tomorrow. I sit in the entryway and head outside as I see his car's headlights. "Hey bro hop in and let's get some drinks for later!" I get in his car, and we head to town to get the drinks for the night. After we get to the store, we split up he gets snacks and I get drinks before meeting up at the checkout. We grab our bags and go back to the car and start to drive back to my place. After getting back to my place we turn the PS5 on and watch movies for a bit while snacking. After a couple of hours, he starts grabbing his stuff. "Luke, I'm gonna miss you." He walks over and pulls me close and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll miss you too Tony." He purred. I just blush at that, and he leaves.

I sit alone in my empty house and sigh as I look up at the clock seeing the time. I stretch and do my nightly routine of checking the windows and the doors of the house to make sure everything is shut and locked. Swoosh... click Swoosh... click Swoosh... click Swoosh... click Swoosh... click. I make my way to the front door and lock it and rub my eyes. As I turn around, I flick the light switch and I start to ascend up the stairs and curse to myself as I realize I forgot to get the mail you I grab my robe and unlock the door and head outside. I hear my claws scuff against the pavement and cringe a little on the inside wishing I put slides on or something. Walking over to the mailbox I see headlights off the road. I tilt my head ever so slightly and after grabbing the mail I take a closer look and realize that it's A car in the ditch. I look around and realize I'm the only one here. I put the mail in my pocket and rush over but as I get closer some weird things start standing out.

The car has snow on it but there hasn't been snow for a couple of months, the car looks a bit smaller and shorter than it should and as I go to knock on the window that's when I notice it. I question to myself, "Is that... a human?" I open the door and the car shuts down and I cut the seat belt and inspect him. The airbag seems to do its job. I carefully pull him out of the car and look around inside, I find a couple of drinks, his wallet, a cracked phone on the floor grab that and in the back, I find a suitcase and backpack. I rummage through them, grabbing the electronics and leaving everything else. I carefully carry everything back to my house and set his stuff on the coffee table and lay him down in the guest room and write a note for when he wakes up...

Dear Human, I found you in your car, your stuff is on the coffee table in the living room. You look uninjured so that's good please come find me when you wake up your phone died so its charging on the nightstand.

I shut the door quietly and go out to the living room and lay on the couch with the TV on and I yawn and rub my eyes as I turn the volume down a little and end up falling asleep on the couch. I wake up in the middle of the night hearing the creak of the bedroom door. I crack my eyes open and see him walk out and quietly shut the door. He looks around and stops and stares at me. He steps back and accidentally drops his phone and it clacks against the floor. "Shit" He covers his mouth and as he grabs his phone, he starts to quietly walk out of the living room to search for the exit I assume. I get up slowly and try to walk over and taking my first step is the most audible creak ever. "Fuck...." He stops dead in his tracks and turns around and stares up at me. "Hey..." He starts slowly shuffling his feet back. "H-Hey..." I take a step closer, and he bolts for the door.

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