III. | what?

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"NEVER GIVE UP!" heizou encouraged, patting scaramouche's back roughly. the boy winced at the pain, but shrugged nonetheless, as if it was nothing. (that's something [name] and him have in common)

the group of boys sat at a wooden table, at a park they go to almost everyday after school. they had came much later than usual, due to some of them (scaramouche and venti) having very important (overdue) homework.

"but...don't you think flowers, chocolate, a ring, and a friendship bracelet is a bit much?" the indigo-eyed awkwardly scratched his cheek.

kazuha spoke up, sitting down with venti and xiao, "it is, heizou—but keep the friendship bracelet."

"and the chocolate!" venti said.

xiao just shook his head in disappointment and disapproval. "no. this is, like, their first interaction. if you really wanna bring something, bring a confident mindset."

the boys oohed at his wise words in awe. venti and heizou even started clapping their hands and whooping.

"wow, your advice is even better than kazuha's!" the indigo-head uttered.

the blonde chuckled softly, "i'd like to say that venti and heizou are taking a toll on me."

scaramouche smiled softly, watching his friends. then he thought back to what [name] had said earlier: these boys are his only friends. his smile slowly faded as he took at his phone and looked at the time. 6:16, it read. he should be at the skating rink at about 6:35. hopefully [name] knows that.

as the other boys were talking, the indigo-head cleared his throat. "i should get going," grabbing his bag and coat, already hurrying out of the park.

"wait, but we didn't even get to—play...uno. okay, he's gone." heizou sighed. "i swear, that boy better not starting abandoning us for his sweet, sweet, [name]."

on the other hand, scaramouche was thinking nothing like that. running, he acquired his airpods and put them in each ear, cynical one by tv girl starting to play through his ears and echo throughout his body. luckily, the rink was close enough to the park to the point where he could run there. he's quite fast, as well.

his body moved with the melody, the voice, and the lyrics, completely distanced from the fact that he would never do this if he was aware of the gazes that occasionally linger.

when he got there, he checked his phone again and realized he was a bit early—way too early for his liking. it was 6:22. 'hm, i had underestimated my speed. i'll remember that.' he thought, gaining more confidence in that area. 

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