" Steve doesn't like that kind of talk." Nat says and you laugh quietly.

" You know what, Romanoff?" Steve says playfully and Natasha smiles mischievously at him.

" So what does he want?" Fury asks, referring to Ultron.

" To become better." Steve speaks, "Better than us. He keeps building bodies." 

" Person bodies. The human form is inefficient, biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But he keeps coming back to it." Your dad says.

" When you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed." You comment, looking between Bruce and your father.

" ...They don't need to be protected, they need to evolve... Ultron's going to evolve." Bruce says.

" How?" Fury asks.

Bruce is silent for a second before he says, " Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?"


In Korea, Cho is using the Cradle to create a new body for Ultron.

" It's beautiful," She says. "The Vibranium atoms aren't just compatible with the tissue cells, they're binding them. And SHIELD never even thought–"

" The most versatile substance on the planet and they used it to make a Frisbee. Typical of humans, they scratch the surface and never think to look within." Ultron uses a laser to break open the scepter's blue gem, and a yellow gem that was inside floats out and lands in his hand. He places it in the head of the body.


" I'll take Natasha and Clint." Steve says.

"I'll go too," you say, eager to do something.

" Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS, I'll join you as soon as I can." Your dad says.

" If Ultron is really building a body..." Steve shares a wary look with your father.

" He'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us." Says your dad, " An android designed by a robot."

" You know I miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me." Steve says.

" I'll drop Banner off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?" Fury says.

" She's all yours, apparently." Replies your father.

" What are you gonna do?" Questions Steve.

" I don't know, " Fury says. " Something dramatic, I hope."

You gather all the things you'll need, as do the rest of the Avengers, and say goodbye to Clint's wife. " Thank you for letting us hide out here, we really appreciate it." You thank her and she smiles in return. " You can come back anytime," she whispers with a grin before hugging you. At first you were caught off guard, but you quickly hugged her back. You suppose you needed it, because you felt noticeably better as you pulled away a few seconds later.

You wave goodbye to Laura and the kids as you and the others leave to board the quinjet, Clint kissing them goodbye and promising to come back soon.


" Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral matrix...now." Says Dr. Cho.

" I can read him." Wanda says as she reads into Ultron's ( new body Ultron's ) mind. " He is dreaming."

" I wouldn't call it dreams," says Cho. "It's Ultron's base consciousness, Informational noise. Soon–"

" How soon? I'm not being pushy." Ultron questions.

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