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There can be no life without Order. Good, evil, darkness, and light - there must be Balance in the Universe. Such is the decree of the Charred Council, an ancient body charged by the Creator to preserve the very fabric of existence. But the Balance has been broken.

Even now, Earth smoulders in ruin, fallen to the Demon Lords, and the Destroyer carves a new kingdom amongst his mighty Chosen. Some say the Horseman War triggered the Apocalypse...that he rode to Earth, unbidden, and doomed all of Mankind. But what of the other Horseman, fearless enforces of the Council's will? What of Fury, Strife...and Death? To know those names, you must first know another.

Nephilim - a cursed union of Angel and Demon. Put countless realms to the sword, and burned them to ash. But Four amongst them grew weary of the slaughter and feared their conquest would imperil the Balance. And so, a truce was made: The Four would serve the Council, in exchange for unimaginable power. Thus were the dreaded Horseman formed. And the rider's first task was to purge their brethren from Creation... To annihilate the Nephilim... And destroy their souls.

Let us now cast our gaze to one amongst the Four. Not War, who lies chained at the Council's feet, professing his innocence, but one who would save his brother, above all else. He has many names - Kinslayer, Executioner... Death.


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Somewhere within a realm covered in snow and mountains towering, a black crow flies in the sky, while a male figure on a grey horse rides not too far behind it. This figure; The Horseman of Death, is on a very important mission, and as of now, his brother is in trouble. His sibling, War, is accused of the fall of mankind and The Third Kingdom.

To bargain for his brother's freedom, Death swore that he would resurrect Humanity. However, even he does not know how this might be done. And so, Death rode forth into the icy Veil, in search of someone who could provide an answer, the Keeper of Secrets.

Then, he had his horse come to a complete stop, as his amber-coloured eyes stared at a fortress that's now one with an ice mountain. Knowing full well that the Keeper was in there. Death rode up the path that would lead him to the main entrance. But as he did, he had to cut through enemies that were in his way. Along with parts of the once fortress falling apart, a voice was heard.

"Voices... Voices... Voices..! VOICES!"

Death silently turned his attention to the source, an older and shorter male once stood on the opposite end of the crumbling hallway. And the older man disappeared just as he had gotten close to him by using the support beams to cross over.

Darksiders 2: In life and in deathWhere stories live. Discover now