--Chapter 1. The Calling--

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Chapter 1. The calling.

An extraordinary day...

So extraordinary...

Look around now, every universe, all a peaceful life, every story, every life, look at all those emotions they feel, everyone's, a painted picture for everyone, those faces, those feelings. How pathetic the thought of such emotions as one thought.

What if we changed it?

Is what one can think, destruction, the perfect day for it, the many people out there, the many universes one can bestow upon, the day to destroy everything and make it work upon in their favour, the day is here, who is to stop them?

Remember it

A thing that has echoed through one's mind even in their dreams, a thought that won't ever flee from within their mind, the best ways to get it out is on paper, draw it, take a moment to breath and calm down.


It echoes, it continues to echo the things heard in a dream, the twisted story, draw it off, draw it away. Finally, it's relaxing now, the memory of a dream faded, all one can see is a little toon one had drawn looking back with a calm smile, you're safe now, you're at home, well, for what one can call home that is, not at that dream world that one wishes there will be answers to it someday.

Today, was yet a normal day for one, normal day in their world, a bright summer day with a nice gentle breeze to cool you off from the summers heat, able to hear those birds chirping from outside and the breeze rustle the leafs in the trees around, the smell of what could be grass freshly cut or the smell of something floral for the flowers planted around, but yet one remains inside, drawing to her heart's content of little characters she can come up with all drawn in pencil. She didn't have much to do today, everything has been finished up and done so now is the time to relax, imagine things, imagine a world full of- oh what can work? Right! A world of many beings in a toon like world! That can do! When she began to draw it, well, she stopped, thinking for a moment.

Would that idea be too beyond? Maybe already done before, but she isn't sure it has been, so she sat back thinking, glancing abouts the room a bit to help her think, looking at the pastel purple walls of this room, neatly made bed not far, desk often taken care of from any artworks made, along with photos hung up of her and her brother along with the rest of her family. Which to think they all went out for today, so what's there to do about that? She will be alone for a few hours after all, maybe she should make something to eat? Get a drink? Yeah that can do! Can't draw on an empty stomach now. She then got up quickly, a smile on her face as she went out the room and onwards to the kitchen, checking the food that they got or any supplies they may have to make some food, they're is yet several options one could choose from truly, what is there for her to choose? Till saw an yet easy route, could make some cookies, can be a nice small batch that even when the rest do get back some day soon they all can enjoy it, so began to get right to work on that.

It's simple right? Able to get it done in no time! Even for- do you remember?. No. Why wont that thought go away? She then mumbled to herself "Focus here Brook." before then got to work again on the cookies. Soon she was done with them in no time! All baked and now got to cool down, which means during this she can get a drink. She checked around to see what can work for a drink till suddenly a loud crash was heard, which stopped Brook for where she stood, startled by it but grew curious to what it was, checking around to where she heard it, hearing it near her room, which when checked it was nothing. Till she saw a glimpse of outside, going to her window and seeing something... unbelievable. Someone presumably covered in a fur or quills to say was on the ground face first, seeming a part of this beings body, which when checking can see a portal to assume it being far above for where this being must've came from, which caused a rush of worry, but more of a different kind, not for what kind of being is there, but a more rush of worry for if they're hurt, so she rushed to get her shoes on, then rushed outside going to where this now closer inspection quilly being laid upon.

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