The flight

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Me and Bella were in the taxi on the way to Manchester airport, I wasn't that exited for the hour long flight even though I was probably going to sleep most of the time, Bella will still be talking the whole time because she's so exited to go on a plane -it's her first time and she's always loved planes ever since she was 2.- we got to the airport and the taxi was around £700 which wasn't as expensive as I thought, Bella was basically jumping with excitement. "Bella calm down everyone is staring at you thinking your an absolute weirdo" I chuckled as I got out our suitcases from the taxi "I know Tracy but I'm just so exited, plus we will be living in the same city as the  Tokio Hotel band members!" She said with her voice highly pitched in joy "I don't even know why you like them so much, there only a small boy band" I chucked as we walked through the airport heading to security Bella looked shocked in a joking way but said nothing.

**on the plane**

I had brought my earphones and sleeping mask to try and sleep though the long flight, but Bella was so excited she wouldn't stop talking as soon as we sat down; I could tell she was nervous because she talks non-stop when she's nervous; so it was obvious. Me and Bella had been talking about moving to Germany for a while, I let her choose the city as I didn't know where to go, so she choose Hamburg, I didn't know why so I just agreed, not knowing that it was the bands home city and where they still live. I don't know why Bellas so passionate about Tokio Hotel since she's just started listening to them for a few weeks and she's completely obsessed already. The flight attendant had started to go though the safety precautions. I didn't listen since I've been on a plane so many times; I knew it all but Bella listened to it all so it quietened her down quite a bit. After it was all over with and we was in the air I started watching a movie on the screen in front of me to distract myself a bit and I stared feeling my eyelids slowly closing.

I woke up and immediately spoke to Bella "how long was I asleep?" I asked so I knew how long we had left "around half an hour" she said unsurely "oh, sorry... I didn't mean to sleep that long without telling you, how've you been keeping yourself busy?" I questioned her as I was intrigued "I mean we are in first class thanks to you so I've just been eating amazing food and watching Freaky Friday" the words left her mouth so fast I could barely hear her but I could still understand, she's always been a fast talker so I've gotten used to it.

**in Germany**

Bella had calmed down a bit as we was going though airport security because she had realised all the looks she was getting so it made her self-conscious, Bella had been my best friend since we was born as our mums were also best friends but they fell out a while ago over some money Bellas mum owed mine but we still stayed as close. Once we got out of the airport we had another taxi take us to our apartment.

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