The First Appointment

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I sighed in annoyance as I struggled tying my ribbon, i've really taken both my arms for granted. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice when the door opened and the twins' stepped inside.

I gave up after a while and fell backwards in frustration, landing on my bed in the process. I heard Lyney let out a laugh before supposedly, having his mouth covered by an extremely pissed off Lynette, after a while, I heard footsteps slowly coming closer and closer.

Lynette took my arm and dragged me to my feet, I tried to put up a fight, but she was having none of it. As soon as I was dragged upwards (against my own will), she let go and pointed at the two ribbon strabds that sat on my chest, "would you like me to tie your bow?". I nodded, knowing that I'd only get more frustrated if I refused her help.

Quickly, she worked her magic and tied a perfect bow in mere seconds. Lyney was in the corner, walking towards me with my shoes in each of his hands, he let out a grin before putting my shoes on my feet. "I can do it myself you know?" I remarked, very irritated and embarrassed "I know, I just wanted to embarrass you", he laughed before taking my hand, standing up and dragging me towards the door.

               *Timeskip: Fontaine Streets*

All three of us walked to the prosthetic place. Lyney walked with a spring in his step, like a child excited for something. However, Lynette was holding my hand and keeping an eye on Lyney, like a stressed out parent caring for a toddler.

As we arrived closer and closer to the building, I felt my social anxiety go through the roof as my entire body started sweating. Lynette noticed as she stopped and turned to me "you'll be fine, you've got us with you. The staff won't bite", I let out a smile at that last sentence which made the corner of her lip turn up before Lyney opened the giant glass door. "They're ready for us!", he exclaimed, with a smile gracing his face.

We all walked into an office. It was plain, with little decoration, a desk was positioned in front of us with a computer placed on top of it, surrounded by different sizes of papers. We sat down on small, wooden chairs positioned opposite the matching desk, I fiddled around with my clothes a bit whilst Lyney and Lynette waited patiently for the prosthetist to arrive.

After a few minutes, a woman opens the door and steps inside the room. She sits down at the desk and extends her hand towards Lyney, "my name is Amèlie, I will be working with your brother to fit a prosthetic" she said, in a calm yet excited voice. Lyney shook her hand in response "my name is Lyney", he turns to me and Lynette before continuing, "this is my sister Lynette and our younger brother Freminet". Amèlie nods before turning her attention to me, "I will need to take a few measurements to begin the prosthetic process, as I was already informed of your preferences from your brother and sister", she continues gently and slowly.

I listen to her intently, "may I have a look at your arm?", she asks as she points at my elongated sleeve. I nod and extended my arm, letting Amèlie roll up my sleeve. I looked away, too disappointed in myself to even look at my arm. Lynette, being the observent person she is, takes my hand and holds it in hers, I relax a little as she continues watching Amèlie and observes her actions.

Amèlie starts to poke and prod at my arm, it wasn't painful, just uncomfortable. After a short while, she maintains a slight grip and circles something on one of her papers, "you've been looking after your arm really well, all the swelling and redness has gone down and there seems to be no damage. I've identified the sensitive areas by your facial expressions. You've cooperated really well" she says with a proud smile. I smile back at her, feeling really, really proud of myself from her words. She slowly takes out some sort of moldable fabric and holds it in front of me "this will act as a mold for your prosthetic, all I need to do is wrap it around your arm".

I nod in agreement as she starts to wrap the weird fabric around my nub. It was painless, it feels like someone wrapping a heavy bandage around my nub, it also tickles a little too. After at least half an hour, she knocks at the fabric, which was as hard as a rock, she smiles to herself as she slowly stars to wiggle it off of my arm. After it was completely removed, she places it behind her, out of view.

She claps her hands together, "you've done really well today Freminet!", I let out a small smile at the compliment. She releases a proud smile before turning her attention to Lyney and Lynette, "I must require you two to bring Freminet back in a few weeks for the initial fitting, is that possible?", she informs them, Lynette nods whilst Lyney speaks, "of course, should I make an appointment at the desk immediately?". Amèlie nods before turning her attention back to her computer.

Lyney immediately stands up from the chair whilst Lynette took her time, helping me up from the chair. We all bid Amèlie goodbye before returning to the reception area, me and Lynette wait patiently for Lyney to finish arranging the appointment by the door. After a while, Lyney turns around and opens the door for the both of us before waving goodbye to the reception staff.

*Timeskip: At Home*

After Lyney unlocks the door, he immediately kicks off his shoes and almost tackles me to the floor with a surprise hug. Lynette swiftly moves backwards and carefully takes her shoes off and places them in their specific spot before joining in with her twin's hug. "I'm so, so proud of you Fremi. You did so well there, I understand it must've been difficult for you", Lyney proudly said before he let go, I swear...I swear I watched him wipe a tear from his face, "you did so well Freminet, we're so proud of you", whispered Lynette as she also lets go.

"Come on Fremi, I'll cook your favourite in celebration!", Lyney laughs before sprinting to the kitchen. Lynette rolls her eyes with a small smile on her face as she sits me down on the stairs and swiftly removes my shoes, quickly placing them in their spot. She maintains a proud smile the entire time as she takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen.

Soon enough, we were all surrounded by freshly cooked food and everyone excitedly talking with eachother. The most lively dinner we've had since the accident first happened, I can't keep the childish smile off of my face for the duration of the dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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