The Accident

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'Oh no...nononono', the panic was slowly consuming my head alongside the salty waters of Fontaine. I was struggling to stay afloat, each passing minute felt like a minute closer to death.

I struggled to get my arm out of the rocks. Every tug and pull made the pain even worse, which also worsened the panic that he was already experiencing.

I furrowed my brows in frustration, struggling to fight the crashing waves alongside trying to dislodge my arm from those damn rocks.

The ocean was desolate, thunder and lightning decorated the skies of Fontaine, like a disturbing firework show. The plants were rocking from side to side roughly and all the wildlife that was once under the sea had now disappeared.

I raised my head above the water to gasp for air before diving back in. Even that proved to be a struggle, as the waves continuously crashed over my face. Which made it even more of a struggle to breathe.

Finally, I ducked my head underneath the waves for one last time. Trying desperately to get my arm dislodged, but to no avail. My lungs were filled with water. My head was filled with water. My body aches.

I close my eyes, relaxing myself, if I die... I'm going to die in peace. 'Lyney... Lynette... I'm sorry', those were my final thoughts before the ocean finally took over my body. Lowering it deeper and deeper into the murky waters.

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