"Now, you should probably get a move on, Liza. Oh, and take whatever you need from the shop." The older man grinned as he gently pushed her towards the door.

Grinning widely, Elizabeth darted down the stairs and into the store that Edmund had been manning for years. Guns were lined on racks all over the place, and her prized specialties were still lined behind the glass on the back wall. Grabbing her rifle and pistol, she strapped them in their rightful place and grabbed the necessary ammo that she developed for them. Once she had everything she needed, she made her way outside and waited for Bumblebee to arrive. However, as she sat outside she began to think that she may have jumped the gun a little bit. There was a chance that Bumblebee was very far away and wouldn't arrive for another few hours, or even days, but she couldn't help but feel giddy at the prospect of seeing them again. Several minutes later, Elise and Edmund came out to join her as she sat down on the curb waiting for her friend. Of course, they knew exactly what she was waiting for, and if they were being honest, they really wanted to meet a friendly one in person. Luckily, their waiting was kept at a minimum as a black with yellow accents Camaro came speeding down the road. At first she didn't recognize the vehicle, but as it got closer, the familiar hum of the turbo-charged engine began to fill her ears. Jumping to her feet, she stood at the curb in anticipation as the vehicle came to a sudden halt in front of her.

"Long time no see!" The radio crackled as the door opened to reveal an empty driver seat.

"Bumblebee! I thought I would never see you again. After Dino -" Elizabeth began to sob as she clutched the strap to her bag.

"Shh, I know. But we should...Really get a move on...The others are waiting." Bumblebee's radio switched stations.

"Right, thank you for everything, Edmund, Elise." Elizabeth smiled tearfully as she gave the two one last hug.

"Anytime!" Elise cried as she hugged the younger woman tightly.

"You and the other Autobots better take very good care of her!" Edmund spoke firmly as he held onto the woman.

"You have my word...Sir." The radio switched.

Taking another few moments to finish saying goodbye, Elizabeth finally sat in the driver seat of the car. Bumblebee waited until she was comfortable before slinging the seatbelt across her chest and clicking into place. Zooming down the street, Elizabeth barely caught a glimpse of the two siblings waving goodbye. Leaning back in her seat, she watched as the open fields flew by as Bumblebee raced down the highway towards the Autobot rendezvous. The drive was surprisingly quiet as they went, and soon the rolling greens turned into desert and large rock structures. She recognized some of the structures from pictures that she had seen of Colorado, and she began to wonder if the others had been camped out so close to where she was. Barely awake after the long drive, Elizabeth felt the ground change from smooth asphalt to rough, rocky gravel. Peeking her eyes open, she noticed that Bee was cruising down a dirt and gravel path which was leading them further from the main highway. The speed in which the young Camaro was going had also decreased exponentially as they approached their destination.

"Where are we?" Elizabeth groaned as she sat up straight in her seat.

"Colorado...We're meeting the others...Boss Man will meet us here soon." Bumblebee answered with assurance.

Before she could say anything else, Bumblebee came to a stop and opened the door to let her out. Grabbing her bags, she took a few steps away from the mech so that he could transform into his bipedal form. She kept her eyes on the larger being as he slumped his shoulders and started to walk a few paces forward before glancing up at the sky. Suddenly, the ground began to shake and the rumbles of vehicles approaching came to her ears. At first she was excited to see who all had survived these last five years, but the moment three vehicles appeared, she began to feel apprehensive. As the three Autobots approached, she watched as they all transformed into the bipedal modes. Sadness filled her heart when she realized that she didn't know any of these mechs that had appeared before her.

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