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The stars were bright the night the traveling company camped by the Fords of Beruna

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The stars were bright the night the traveling company camped by the Fords of Beruna. The sounds of the river were calming as Willow whisked around some wild veg and roots in the pan over the flames. Edmund was sharpening his sword. No matter how many times he gazed upon it, he would admire the beauty of the craftsmanship. Cheval and Phillip grazed nearby and Seven was curled up beside Willow, enjoying the warmth of the fire. 

In the distance, closer to the river, Olivia stared at the moonlight's reflection on the water. She took a deep breath. Focus.

She cupped her hands in front of her and closed her eyes. Light. Glow.

When she looked at her palms. A soft yellow glow emitted. Olivia smiled proudly. Ever since the vision, and the dreams, she felt a whole new connection to her power. There were no more blocks. 

She separated her hands, a light glowing in each palm. She moved them around, focusing on them. 

"It's beautiful,"

Olivia jumped in surprise and the lights flew up and faded away. Edmund apologised quickly. "I didn't mean to scare you, Liv. You seem so comfortable with your powers now."

Olivia smiled shyly. It's not that she felt awkward talking to the young king. However, after the kiss and having a little light on his feelings for her, Olivia did not know how to react. She had feelings for him, deep feelings. 

"I am. It feels more natural now." 

They shared a silence, staring out onto the rushing water of the river. The moonlight reflected beautifully, dancing against the surface of the river. 

"We're almost home, Liv." Edmund smiled and his hand reached for hers. She didn't pull away. Her fingers hooked onto his comfortably. 

Home. Olivia had never thought of a word more fitting than that. Home was where she felt safe. Home was where she could laugh and enjoy the company of her friends. Home was where Edmund wasn't looking over his shoulder every few minutes and he could give her all his attention if he wanted. 

"What's going to happen once we return?" Olivia asked, her voice quiet to match the tranquility of the night. 

"I do not know," the young king replied. "We'll inform Peter of everything that's happened and then..."

"Then?" They locked eyes and Olivia was getting lost in the dark irises. He scanned her face, taking in every detail before finally stopping at her lips. 


They had moved closer until Edmund couldn't stop himself. Their lips brushed against each other and it felt like it was the first time all over again, although this time Edmund seemed hungrier than before. They moved together in sync like a symphony. A smile grew on Edmund but he refused to move away, not until they had to for a breath. A deep sigh escaped him and he closed his eyes.

"You have no idea how long I yearned to do that," he said quietly, his voice husky. 

Olivia giggled, resting her head on his shoulder. "You and I both."

When the sun rose from the horizon, the company continued their last stretch to Cair Paravel. The sight of the castle made Olivia's heart leap and her pace began to quicken. 

"We made it!" Willow sighed. "I am sleeping for at least two days straight!"

"You and I both, my friend." Seven grinned, his feet dangling off Cheval's back. 

"What? You barely did anything! Even now you sit on horseback without a care in the world!" The faun replied. 

"Yes, I have short legs and if any danger were to pursue us I need the energy for my speed to take it down!"

"There is nothing within ten yards from Cair Paravel that could harm us! You are just being lazy, mouse!"

The two bickered back and forth until they reached the gates. Edmund and Olivia giggled at the two but stopped when they noticed the solemn atmosphere of Cair Paravel. A frown painted every face as they drew closer to the palace. 

Susan rushed out of the main doors towards them, haste in her step. Edmund was the first to be attacked by her hug. "Ed! You're alright, thank goodness!"

"I missed you too, Susan," he smiled. When she pulled away there was worry in her eyes and with dark circles under them, she had not slept.

"What's the matter?" Olivia stepped forward and the Queen's gaze was set upon her. Susan embraced and from the way her body shook slightly, Olivia knew something was wrong. 

"It's Lucy," Susan spoke softly. She looked to Edmund who had a deep frown as panic began to rise within him. 

Peter paced back and forth in the corridors of the dungeons. he didn't even stop when the doors at one end slammed open and Edmund strode in with Susan and Olivia following quickly. 

"What has she said?" Edmund demanded as he reached his brother. Peter looked at him for a heartbeat, then to Edmund's surprise, wrapped his arms around his younger brother. 

"I'm so sorry, Ed. I..." The younger brother pulled away, sharing his sibling's worried expression before Peter managed to choke out the words. 

"Elias has taken Lucy. She was in Princess Morana's room, searching for her spell book before she was pulled through a mirror."

"Has she spoken?" Edmund asked, fury building up inside. He knew he had to stay calm. He had to have a leveled head to support his older brother and sister. 

"She's been working with him. She sold Telmar to Elias and came here to help take out Narnia from the inside. Lord Sasha is nowhere to be seen as of now, so we need to be on our guard. She's been communicating through that mirror she kept in her room. Witherglow is seeing to it. I can't believe she lied to us!" 

The High King knocked a torch off the wall in anger, making Olivia jump. She knew Morana was up to something, but she was not expecting this. To be so close to their enemy while they all guessed and gambled what his next move would be. 

"That's how they knew we were in the Shruddering Wood," she said. "She must have sent the word and they were able to ambush us." 

"What?!" Peter hissed. A new wave of rage and betrayal washed over him as his fists clenched, wanting no more than to release this anger. 

"I knew we couldn't trust her here," Edmund growled. Susan placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. 

"We all knew she was up to something. It was just too late before we found out." 

"Well, what are we going to do with her?" The Just King asked. 

Peter sighed. "She's locked away for the moment. She's told us everything we need to know without hesitation. All we can think to do is find a way to get Lucy back."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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