Chapter 1 - Welcome to town, Falice!

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The market here is very loud, with lots of people walking and running around here and there.

"Excuse me sir! Can you tell me where I am??"
The man looks down at her, he seems to be in his teens. He stares at her for a bit in confusion, "you're at the market..?" He answers, as he walks away.

"..." That didn't help.

"Excuse me! Can you tell me where I am?" Falice asks, now towards a girl just few years older than her.. maybe 13? "I wanna go home.." she sobs to herself. Was she lost? That's an embarrassing scenario for someone older than her.. "I can help you get back.. if you answer my question-" "you can't! Nobody can leave this place!" She sobs, she rushes off, leaving Falice to herself.

"... The people here are weird."


Lots of the people here are weird actually.. appearance wise too.
Some seemed to have animal traits or otherworldly traits as well! Had she walked into a costume party perhaps? It wasn't October.. right?

Falice slumps onto a crate she had found in a small alleyway. "Gosh I'm tired.." Falice mumbles.. despite her really only asking two people. She hugs her knees and she pulls out her watch, it's still going haywire.. Falice looks up, judging by the sky however- it seems to be at least between three and six.. she was supposed to be home at one thirty! her parents must be so worried about her..

She's hungry too.. she was hoping to eat at Lauren's bakery.. but judging by the situation she's in right now.. that'll probably not happen.. she doesn't even have any money on her to buy anything too. God.. this is all that damn dog's fault.


Falice eyes widen, she turns around to see two eyes staring at her from the darkness. One eye purple another eye blue. A sinister grin greets her..

"Uh.. yeah..?" Falice answers, a bit creeped out at the scene. "You're not from here, Are you..?" The person asks again, Falice nods. "Yeah! I came here from this.. long hole- uh can you tell me where I am??" Falice jumps up from the crate, and walks a few steps towards the person. Falice doesn't have the time to be creeped out right now.. she HAD to know where she was.

"Where you are?"
"Well.. you're in WONDERLAND!"

The person exclaims, walking out of the darkness to reveal a tall woman with purple hair tied back into a short ponytail. She's dressed up in a dark brown cloak, covering up most of her body. And the thing Falice was most focused on? The ears. She has cat ears??

What a weird town she woke up in..
But she can't loose this opportunity just because of one's looks.

"Wonderland? That's the name of the town?" Falice mumbles, a.. weird name for a town but not gonna lie it was also really creative. "Well not just the name for the town but for the entire realm!" She exclaims, putting her hands up in the air. "The whole.. realm??????" Falice repeats, very confused.

"Let's see.. you're new here right? You have legit no idea on where you are.. right?" The lady repeats, with a same grin still on her face. Falice agrees on all of this. "Well.. I came here from falling into a hole..? That's all I know" Falice thinks.. there was no way the cliff was that deep.. so she definitely ended up falling into a hole. Talk about bad luck right there.

"Then it's simple! The hole you fell into was the entrance or.. or portal to Wonderland and now you're stuck in a completely different world.. NO- a different planet!" The lady continues, her back turned away from Falice. Once she turns back she's greeted with a Falice in complete bewilderment.

"..... You're serious..?"
"I'm serious!"
.. that explains most of the people here.. but.. wow a different planet???

"Am I.. not able to head back home then..?"
Falice asks, her eyes starting to water. If she WAS somehow in another planet.. then.. how would she get back home? No way she could just.. fall back up the hole- forget climbing up it!

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