Chapter 4

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Sawadee kha thuk khn~ I'm sorry for not being able to update this story for a very long time. I was so busy with college (have to get great grades because I'm on my 5th sem and will start intern in 2 months). I know alot of you guys waiting for me to update but don't really have the time. So i take this very precious break time of mine, to write a new chapter for you guys. Ik this is not the best, but i hope you guys will love it. Please leave comments for me to read and i wanted to know what are your opinions. Anyways, enjoy your reading!


"Tep! Where are you?! Tep!"

It's been almost 30 minutes since he walked into the forest. Since the weather is about to rain, the forest surrounding is a little dim. Sometimes small wood fall from above because of the wind. Dangerous indeed. He wonder if Tep is doing alright.

Nani carefully walked a little deeper into the forest which he knew where Tep might be. There's no other place the boy would go if it's not their secret place. The place where only him, Chompoo and Tep know.

After another few minutes of walking, he finally arrived at a small house. It looks a little bit old but the surroundings is clean. He quickly enter the house to see no one in there.

"Tep. You're here?", He said but no answer. He slightly sighed.

Where is he?!

Just about he wanted to leave, suddenly he heard a sound behind a shelf. He frowned. Slowly he walked towards the shelf.


When he reached the shelf, he looked behind it to see Tep is sitting with both his legs are brought closer to his body. Nani let out a sigh of relief when he saw the boy.

"Ai Tep!"


Nani kneeled infront of him. Checking the boy if he's hurt somewhere. But when he touched Tep's left arm, the boy cried in pain.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying? Did you hurt you arm?", Nani asked. Worried.

Tep nodded with him still bawling his eyes out. "I fell earlier." He said with a trembling voice.

Nani carefully touched Tep's arm. "Is it hurt alot?"

Tep nodded. Nani expect that Tep broke his arm since the boy feel hurt everytime his arm was touched or moved. He immediately took of his checkered long sleeves, leaving his beige plain shirt on his body. Then he slowly place Tep's arm inside the shirt and tie the sleeves together on the neck to support the arm.

"This will do for the time being. Don't move your arm too much or else, it will get worst. Okay?", Nani said. Tep nodded.

Nani checked the boy once again to make sure there's no other injuries. Thankfully, there aren't except for some scratches maybe because from he fell earlier. He patted the boy's head and slightly smiled before took a seat besides him.

They kept silent for a few minutes. Nani looked at the boy. "Why did you run away?"

Tep glanced at him before pouting. "My mom told me that I will have to move to a new school at the city. I don't want to move there."

Oh. That's the reason.

Nani curve a smile. He know the boy love staying here. He was born and raised here anyway. Just like him when he was a kid.

"Why? The city is fun to live in. There's a lot of delicious food. Skyscrapers. Nice cars.", He paused to see the boy's reactions. "And.. beautiful girls."

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