Chapter 1

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"Let's break up, Dew."

"Bam? Not funny."

"I'm already with someone else right now. Sorry for not being honest with you before."


"I'm sorry.."


The sound of the curtains being opened awakes Dew from his nap. He blocks the sunlight from his vision to see his bestfriend Win standing near the windows opening the curtains. The guy later staring at him then shook his head with a heavy sigh.

"Get up, Dew! How long do you want to stay like this? You didn't attend classes for weeks now. I don't know what to give excuses about you to the professors anymore.", Win said.

Dew just ignored Win's babblings and pulled the blanket up to his head.

"Hey! Are you listening?", Win said, half shouting. He slightly sighed then sat on the bed besides Dew.

"It's been weeks, Dew. You should get over her.", Win said.

But watching Dew didn't even move nor listening to him he started cursing the guy. "You'll die at this point, ai sat!"

"What will you gain from acting like this? You should move on from her already. You think she'll come back to you? What are you even thinking?"

Win keep babbling but Dew just ignored him. No intention to listen to the fair skinned guy. Sometimes, he will pickup the things on the floor and put it on their place. At this point, he doesn't know if Dew ever bothered to clean his room. Win sighed. Whatever, not even thinking of cleaning the room. He's not even taking any shower. What about eating?


"Go away, Win.", Dew said. Tired of listening to him.

"Ugh! Fine!", Win growled. "Just.. please get up and take a shower. I bought some food too. Eat it later. I'm leaving."

Win said then lightly tap Dew's shoulder before leaving the room. But his mouth still talking.


Dew came out from the bathroom after taking a shower. He saw the plastic bag Win brought earlier with some foods in it.

"You should get over her, Dew. Do you think she'll come back to you? What are you even thinking?!"

Win's words came back to his mind.

"Should I?", He thought.

Bam and him dated for years which since highschool. But he didn't know where's the wrong, their relationship suddenly didn't work out. Was he the mistake? Even Dew himself, don't know the reason. Bam suddenly asked for a break up and told him she's already have someone else.

Maybe things between them just doesn't work out. Or not meant for each other.

It's time, Dew. It's over. Let's just move on.

Dew wiped the clear beads that slowly appeared from his eyes.


Dew look at the open sea. The blue sky, sound of the ocean waves and the smell of the ocean calm his mind. This is literally a good start for him to heal himself and moving on. While enjoying the view, suddenly his phone rang. He answered the video call from Win.

"Hey, Dew. You arrived?"

"Er. I'm here.", Dew answered and slightly smiled.

Dew decided to move on from Bam, Win suggested he should take a short break and go for a vacation. He told Dew there's a good resort far away from the city he once went with his family. Dew didn't refused and take it as a good way for him to calm his self.

Run To Your Heart [DewNani]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz