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Author POV:

As you felt your tears continue to stream down your face like a waterfall you wiped them away, letting out a sniffle. Your heart beat started to calm down and so did your breathing that was until your mind decided to give you horrific flashbacks of your past.

"No!" You exclaimed, placing both of your tiny hands on your head as you closed your eyes shut to block the negativity away, you bit your lower lip as you forced yourself to not cry.

"Stop it- Stop it!" You started to pat your head with both of your hands furiously, desperate to try blocking the memories.

"Sniffle... Pa....Papa...." You cried softly, in a need of comfort. You stood up from your futon, taking your cloud plushie Muichiro gave you the time all the other Hashiras visited your adoptive father's Estate for you.

You hurriedly rush to your door, sliding it open, you walked down the hallway, looking for your adoptive father's room.

'Papa.... Papa!' You thought with a panicked look, desperately wanting to be in your adoptive father's embrace.

You slid his door open, not bothering to knock as you entered. You saw his sleeping figure on his futon, his back facing you. You quietly walked up to him, poking his back. No reaction, you tried again. No reaction.

"Sniffle W-Wake up!" You cried, clutching your cloud plushie.

Sanemi heard his child's cry causing him to immediately wake up.

"Kid? Why are you crying?" He asked, sitting up with a look of concern.

"I-I had a nightmare!" You answered, letting out a hiccup, still holding your cloud plushie close to you.

Sanemi sigh, spreading his arms open with a small soft smile.

"C'mere..." He said with a soft tone.

You immediately buried your tiny body into his embrace, sitting on his lap while your face is buried on his chest as you continued to cry softly.

"There there..." He stroked your h/c hair.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, he didn't want to force you to tell him about your nightmare thinking it'll make your feelings worse.

You stayed quiet for a moment to think. You shook your head, not wanting to remember some memories again.

Sanemi smiled softly, still stroking your tiny head with his right while his left wrapped around your tiny figure to keep you warm.

"T-Tomorrow..! Just not now.." You shook your head.

"Alright... I understand.." He nodded.

Soon, your soft cries calmed down only your little sniffles echoed the bedroom.

"Are you feeling better?" Sanemi asked. He was trying his best on comforting you. He didn't know how to console people so he felt a little awkward but what he felt was mostly sadness for his child.

After a few moments of silence you spoke up with a shaky voice.

"I...I change my mind.... I'm ready to talk about my nightmare now..."

"Are you sure? Think about it, kid.." Sanemi asked, he was a bit surprised from your words.

You nodded with a hum.

Sanemi sighed.

"Go on..." He signaled.

"I-It was a memory from my past... I... I was four-years-old that time..." You started.

"Papa was yelling at me because I told him I had a tummy ache. He got mad at me for bothering him while he was drinking alcohol... He..He threw one on the wall and didn't care about me being scared.."

Sanemi frowned. It reminded him of his father. His father would always abuse them. Kick, slap and hit their mother while she shields one of his younger siblings with her small and weak body. Everyday in his household would be hell when his father was alive but when he died from someone who had a grudge against him they were at peace but money problems grew even more but at least no one in his family gets to cry because of his abusive father.

"He... He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me.... h-he then cut my hair with one of the broken glasses of the bottle of alcohol..."

'What the fuck..' Sanemi thought with a look of anger and disgust on his face. Your father was way worse than his. He couldn't imagine your daily life in that so called household. Just imagining the daily beatings he did to you made his stomach twist.

"I..I couldn't do anything..! Everything was happening too much!" You could feel your eyes water again as you felt like you couldn't breath well.

"When h-he was done from cutting my hair I thought it was all done but n-no! He grabbed a hot tea kettle that was just boiled and poured it on... m-me! It hurt so much...! I-I can still feel it..!" You bit your lower lip as your tears fell.

Sanemi clicked his tongue. He felt angry and disgusted towards your father but he controlled himself and focused on you right now. He wiped away your tears with his thumb, a soft worried look on his face. You looked up at him with a hint of fear from remembering that horrifying memory.

"Shh... calm down... you're safe now and forever.... No one and especially that bastard will hurt you again, got that? I'm here for you as your new father." He gently patted your head. You could feel a wave of relief and calm pouring over you, you felt like crying again but not from sadness.... but from happiness... you felt even more safe here and in your father's arms.

And you did cry. Your eyes watered again making Sanemi panic. Your tears streamed down your face as Sanemi felt even more worried.

"D-Don't cry..! D-Damnit.." He looked even more worried, like a worried protective father for his little girl.

"Oh for fucks sakes.. c'mere.." He hugged again, your head on his shoulder as he rubbed circles and patted your back to help you calm down.

"Shh shh, stop crying, I got you..." He whispered.

"Sniffle Pa... Papa!" Your cried harder, burying your head on his shoulders, your tears wetting the fabric of his shirt.

You held onto his shoulders tightly while crying your heart out, you felt happy you get to have a better father who made you feel safe, happy, cared and loved.

Sanemi froze in astonishment. His right hand stopped from your patting and rubbing circles on your back.

"Did... Did you just call me "Papa?"" He asked but he knew you just did, he just thought he was hearing things. You didn't reply and just buried your head on his shoulder. But soon you did.

"I love you, Papa... thank you!" You thanked, biting your lower lip.


See you all on the next chapter💋

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