5||; 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏

Start from the beginning

It was a fluke. A one-off thing. I read it off Google and happened to remember it.

I can smell your bullshit from across the country.

It stinks, I'll have you know.

What has Captain Sparkles been feeding you lately?



Rainbows and sprinkles?

Watch it. I don't mind flying over there just to kick your sorry flat ass.

I'd like to see you try, bitch.

And I'll have you know my ass is beloved by the country. <3

Irina scoffs out a laugh as she shuts her phone off and tucks it into the back pocket of her pants. She walks back out to the kitchen, and decides to munch on some cut up cantaloupe from last night's dinner as her substitute breakfast without Steve.

The day is still fresh and young, with the sky clear and blue with little clouds, so Irina thinks nothing better than to go out and spend the day relaxing, seeing as it was Sunday, and she had worked overtime yesterday for Mr and Mrs. Ramirez at the store.

She throws her purse over her shoulder, deciding not to throw on a jacket in the spring air. She locks up the house before leaving, and walks down the stairs with a pep in her step. It felt like one of those good days, where she could just have fun and be at ease, with nothing much to worry about.

Irina checks their mail in the lobby as she passes, finding nothing interesting, so she goes on her way.

She passes a few of their neighbours that liked to walk their dogs. She let each one sniff and beg for her attention with amusement, before bidding goodbye and going on her way. Irina even takes to stopping by the store for a cold drink.

When she enters, Mr. Ramirez is at the cash register, checking out a regular she recognized, Henry. He greets her with a charming smile that she returns with a brief nod as she passes him.

"Emma, querida niña, it's your day off!" exclaims Mr. Ramirez while Henry hands him off a twenty. The elderly man takes it, not looking away from Irina as she opens a door to the coolers in the back and picks out a bottle of iced tea to take for the afternoon. "If my wife heard about this, you know she'd have my head!" He scolds.

Irina places the bottle on the countertop with a sheepish smile. "I'm not staying, Mr. Ramirez. Swear. Just popping by for a drink before I head out," she excuses. "The missus has nothing to fret about."

Mr. Ramirez lets out a reluctant huff, pointing a wrinkled finger at her as he checks out the bottle, looking amused despite his stern tone. "I should hope not," he grumbles. "$1.27, dear."

Irina frowns. "It's $2.50, usually," she says.

The elderly man sends her a wink. "Employees get a discount," he says.

"Use my change to buy it," Henry pipes up, still there for some reason. When Irina looks at him, he flashes her another smile. "I don't mind. You're a good employee. Think of this as another way of tipping."

Irina frowns. "Don't do that, Henry. Let me pay you back, then, at least," she begins to dig for her wallet, but Henry reaches out a hand and grabs her wrist gently, stopping it. Her eyes flicker back up to him, his smile growing.

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