Harry was knocked off but thankfully his mask absorbed a lot of the damage. Harry and the assassin both got to a kneeling position, the assassin threw a punch which Harry blocked before slashing his wand across his opponents chest, causing a wound to open up and blood to pour out. A squawk from above was heard, everyone ignored it, everyone except Harry. His eyes widened, just a millisecond before he grabbed his opponent and pulled him closer.

The knife that was aimed for Harry had suddenly pierced the assassin after Harry used him as a human shield, Harry then swept his leg and fired two piercing curses that hit the assassins chest and ended his life. Harry was pulled off his feat by a very strong gust of wind and slammed into a tree, he let out an involuntary gasp of pain before he slid down but managed to stay on his feet. His eyes opened and he saw two spells coming for him, both were green and he didn't want to be hit by either.

He didn't bother trying to dodge as Shadow had already dived in and grabbed Harry before pulling him down into the shadow of the tree he was leaning against. The assassin that Harry had banished earlier had began looking around while the female assassin did the same. Both used spells to try and find Harry but couldn't.

Suddenly the assassin felt a rope wrap around his neck and he was pulled up into the air at a fast pace, just as he reached a tree branch he saw the owner of the rope, it was Harry Potter, perched on the branch with the rope coming out of his wand. The rope disconnected from the wand just as the assassin was in mid-air. Harry then released another rope, except this time it had a small spearhead at the head of the rope and it pierced through the assassin's chest, Harry then yanked the rope and the assassin was pulled closer and hit his head and chest off the branch that Harry was perched on.

The rope disconnected and the assassin fell to the floor, but Harry didn't have time to see him fall all the way as he jumped off the branch just in time to see a knife heading towards him. The knife scratched his left shoulder, causing a small cut to appear on his shoulder. He aimed his wand at the female assassin and fired a body bind spell at her, just before he flipped backwards and kicked off a tree. He guessed that his body bind missed if the cutting curse that he just avoided was any indicator.

A rope shot out of his wand and he used it to swing to the ground, once his feet had landed on a solid floor he turned and fired a blasting curse at the female, but she dodged and sent a yellow acid spell at Harry, Harry rolled to avoid it and took cover behind a tree, he sent a spell at her while using the tree as cover, the girl dodged but stumbled back and landed on her back. Harry fired another spell at her but she managed to block it before getting back up to her feet.

The female Libra assassin pulled out a whip, she slapped it against the ground, she then flicked it towards Harry and the length of the whip extended, Harry moved his body back behind the cover of the tree, the whip hit the tree but the tip had curved around and struck Harry in the left shoulder, right above his cut, causing him to hiss in pain. The whip came again and this time it hit him in his other shoulder, the whip had returned a second later and struck him in his right leg before matching his other leg.

The next time the whip had struck the left side of his body, Harry's hands had instinctively went there and a second later he was hit in the right side of his chest. Harry growled, he tried to reach out and blast her with a fire blast using his left hand but the whip struck his hand before he could do anything. Harry growled again and flicked his wand and a black King Cobra snake jumped out and landed in front of him. Harry waved his wand and the snake was turned invisible.

"Go kill that bitch!" Harry ordered in parsletounge. The snake nodded, even though Harry couldn't see it "Sneak up on her and bite her! Don't stop until she's dead!" Harry added, the snake nodded again before slithering off.

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