You finally get up and put the rifle back in the case. Price walks over to you. "That was impressive."

"Thank you, sir," you reply whole heartedly.

"You picked the best rifle" he tells you.

You look at him confused. "Whys that?"

His smile grew bigger, "That's Ghost's rifle."

You look over at Ghost and see him walking back towards the house with the rest of the guys. Price motions his hand in front of you, telling you to proceed behind them. You quickly made your way into the house.

Once you stepped inside, you were greeted by a slender middle-aged woman with blonde hair. Both of your eyes met whenever you stepped inside the house.

"Kate Laswell" she says as she approaches you.

You nod your head, "Harley" you reply.

"Harley?" she hung on to the last part of the name - which was a dead giveaway that she wanted to know your last name too.

"Traywick. Harley Traywick."

"Nice to meet you, dear. We have matters to discuss. Please, sit" she gestures towards the sectional. The rest of the men had already made themselves comfortable. You took a spot at the end of the sofa next to Soap. Sitting across from you was Ghost. You could feel his eyes on you, but you didn't look in his direction.

Kate made her way to the center of the living room. "We have been trying to track down The Shadows for a few weeks now and they have gone off grid. We received word that they are possibly in Mexico setting up missiles" she tells you all. She turns and looks at you, "And that is why we need you."

You give her a confused look, "Me? What the hell does that have to do with me?"

"Because you know the ins and outs of the operation" she said stern.

You scoff, "I've never dealt with The Shadows, so with all do respect lady, I don't think I'm much fucking help."

Price and Gaz jerked their heads towards you and Soap was wide eyed at Kate. She leans over and picks up a file off the coffee table and chucks it at you. You catch it and open it up. You pull your head back in realization. Michael.

"Michael has been with The Shadows for most of his life. He operates this and Trinity. You know him better than anyone else and how he trains his people. That's why YOU are so important. Plus, these missions are personal" she says dryly to you.

You swallow the spit in your mouth and look up at her from the file. "He's responsible for your family's murder and he plans on going on a few more. He still trusts you and we need you" she says.

Eyes look at you as you continue to stare at Kate. You bring your hand up to rub your forehead. This was a lot to take in and as much as you were ready to take revenge, you knew how strong Michael's men were, but you also knew the team you had now.

"When do we leave?" you ask.

"Wheels up at 0400."

You get up off the couch and make your way upstairs to the bedroom. A lot was going through your mind and yes, you were excited, but also scared. What if shit goes south and you lost your life for nothing? What if one of your teammates die and it was because of you? You shake the thoughts out of your head whenever you reach the bedroom.

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