The Demon is Summoned

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As Mary falls to her knees sobbing hoping someone heard her plea, a secret door in the ground opened. Four colorful glowing streaks shot out of the door and spun in the sky, orange, blue, red, and black.

Which then as the streaks disappeared, four otherworldly creatures revealed themselves, three demons and a cherub. It was Stacy, Narrow, Leya, and the leader Lord Tabby. They slowly flew down to Mary, Tabby slowly approached the woman examining the dog's injuries, she ran a claw gently across the dog's face scraping glue trap residue off.

"Son of a bitch this dog was in a glue trap. STACY, GET THIS DOG DOWN TO OUR INTENSIVE CARE UNIT NOW!!" Tabby shouted, Stacy quickly grabbed the dog rushing him down into where the secret door led to. "Follow me Mary" Tabby insisted to her as she and the other two demons began walking back down into the secret entrance.

Mary followed the four into a massive lair, but a nice lair, filled with animals rescued from dangers of all kinds, along other things Lord Tabby herself loves.
She watched as Stacy rushed into a hospital room, she walked into the room and watched as Stacy had began hooking up her dog to an IV unit to begin the procedure to remove the glue and seal up his wounds.
Lord Tabby walked by Mary sighing heavily in frustration "He'll be okay right?" Mary asked desperately. "Yes.. But I need you to stay down here, we'll need to question you about the person that kidnapped your dog" Lord Tabby said as she began walking towards a lounge area, she opened a fridge pulling out some almond milk, Oreos and Hershey's chocolate syrup, she then pulled out a glass preparing herself a sweet drink to relax her body.
After Tabby prepared herself a drink, she turned around to see Mary sitting in a chair, she sat down herself in a chair across from her taking a small sip from her shake.
"Tell me, how did you get your dog back if he was kidnapped?" Tabby asked. Mary explained the whole story, about the boy, about the man in the cabin, about the pile of dead bodies and the blood on the window.

"Wait wait.. describe the man again", "He has a dirty beard, a cap, he's big and burley, seems to love to go fishing"
Tabby's grip tightened on her glass, but set it down before she accidentally breaks it.
"I know who that man is... He was living in Wisconsin, he slandered my sanctuary and multiple rescues I work with.. His name is Bill Paquet, he's on multiple Do Not Adopt lists across the country and suspected for child endangerment.
Intel first found him on social media attacking other animal activists bragging about how he uses glue traps to kill those he thinks are "stupid". He's made so many false claims about how "glue traps help nature" and all that bullshit" Tabby explained.

"Sounds like the kind that needs a trip to the psych ward" Mary said in fear.

"Where is he at" Tabby asked.

Demons Saving Animals and Bill the Terrible TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now