Chapter 5 - Mission Breakout

Start from the beginning

     "I'll keep watch," Gadget said as he looked everywhere around us before running to the other side and looking up and down. I continued searching through the computer's files and cameras to see what the doctor was hiding. I pulled out a small chip from my wristband and plugged it into the computer as I landed on a file labeled "Gaia's Village." I need to know what the doctor is planning for my home. But as I let the chip collect the file's knowledge, my eyes found another file that was labeled "Phantom Ruby" and "Zero." Curiosity grew in me and I quickly let the chip collect their knowledge too. Once it was done, I looked at the cameras.

     It did not take long to find the blue hedgehog. I pinned the location on my wristband. "Found him," I called out to Gadget as he ran to me.

     "Great! Let's go!" Gadget said as he started running. I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. I pulled out the map as a hologram and showed him the location. "We have to go up."


(Sonic's POV)

     "This is boring!" I whined as I kicked my feet back and forth, bored out of my mind. Geez, what's the deal keeping me here to hear about Egghead's big plan when I didn't a single peep of what it is. All I know is that it's bad news for everyone.

     I hope Tails and the others are okay.

     Just then, Zavok walked in, opening the cell doors. "This is the end, Sonic."

     "Oh hey! How's it going, Zavok? Are we starting a party? Wanna let me join in? No? Of course not. You hate fun," I responded with sarcasm. Zavok growled as he took a few steps toward me.

     But then, he yelped in pain. All I could see was a long stick poking out of his back. Zavok turned around and I saw someone dressed up like a forest hunter. Clothes made out of both cloths, leaves, and robotic scraps. Mud and black paint covered the green hunter it spots and stripes. A wooden mask was almost covered in black paint with some white dots around the holes where a pair of eyes stared at Zavok. A pair mixed with two different colors. A deep purple and a light green pair showed no fear as he held his bow, an arrow ready to shoot Zavok.

     "Foolish, hedgehog! You think you can defeat me with a sti-"

     The hunter shot the arrow at Zavok's chest, making him take a knee on the floor. "Woo! Nice shot!" I cheered for the hunter. Zavok growled and ran at the hunter in rage. The hunter put away his bow as he started glowing and jumped over Zavok. He pulls out a long stick with a blade at the end and shoves it into Zavok's back. Zavok cried in pain before he fell to the ground. The hunter pulls his bladed stick out of Zavok and shoves it in a sleeve thing on his back. As soon as he leaps off Zavok's unmoving body, Zavok's body starts to slowly fade away from existence with the same noise I heard when I fought against that jackel months ago.

     "It's that sound again?" I said out loud. The hunter turned to me like he was confused. Before I could explain, a red wolf zipped down from the floor above and ran to me. "Hey, Sonic! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Here! Let me help you with that," the wolf happily greeted as he pressed a button on his watch. A little pointer thing came out and poked my cuffs. And just like that, they disappeared.

     I chuckled amazed, "Nice! Thanks, bud!" The wolf laughed nervously, blushing a bit as his tail wagged behind him. "Now is not the time for a meet and greet, Gadget," the hunter said, becoming impatient. And he sounded like a girl. Is he a girl? The hunter walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Listen. This is a stealth mission. I heard you like going fast about everything. But this time, you follow my orders. I will allow you to go as fast as you want but do not cause the alarm to go off. Your friends are dealing with getting a shuttle to pick us up. Am I clear?" The hunter said, making it clear she didn't want anything to blow our cover.

     I nodded in agreement. "Yup! Got it! But, um, quick question: Who are you? I never met you before."

     "Oana. Now let's move," she quickly answers as she runs off the edge and into the pit below. I looked over at the wolf. "Gadget, right?"


     "She's fun, huh?"

     "I guess you can say that. Let's go before we lose her," he says, jumping off the edge. Following the hunter, Oana. Oana... Nice name. I jumped after them.

     Oana was diving down faster than me and Gadget. She then pulled out her bow with an arrow wrapped with a rope. She aimed for something before shooting and started swinging down. Gadget followed along and grabbed my hand as he started swinging too. Oana and Gadget slid to a stop on the metal floor before tugging the rope to call back their items. Once Oana has received her arrow, she pulls out a map from her sleeve bracelet thing.

     "I know the way out," Oana said as she starts running. I was a bit surprised when I didn't hear her footsteps. Wait...she's not wearing shoes?


     It took a bit because of Egghead's robots roaming almost every corner. And thanks to Oana, she took care of them without being spotted. We then ran by a window. "We're in space! Ugh! I hate space! There's nowhere to run!" I complained before Oana smacked the back of my neck. "Quiet," she whispered before continuing running. "Okay, okay. Geez, strict much?"

     We continued running until we reached another big drop. Oana jumped in with hesitation. I followed behind her as Gadget took a second of hesitation before following too. Then, we saw red lasers appeared and started to spin, trying to catch us off guard. Oana slowed down her diving and let us catch up to her. She guided us to avoid the lasers like she's done this a million times already.

     Once we landed safely on the ground, I decided to say something.

     "That was incredible! You did amazing! Where did you learn how to do that?"

     "Home," she answered as she pulls up the map again.

     Okay. Let's try something else. "Where are you from?"

     "A village."

     "Is your village nice?"

     "Until you  do something stupid and cause destruction."

     "Cool. That's...interesting."

     "If you want to talk, try a later time. I'm busy."

     With that, I left her alone and walked up to Gadget. "Is she always like this?"

     He shrugged her shoulders. "All I know about her is that she left her isolated home to help us. She never been outside to see the world. She might be stressed of being somewhere she's not familiar with." I looked back at Oana, seeing her scan the map as quickly as possible. With how fast she was going, I could tell she was stressed. I hope she's okay.

     Suddenly, Gadget's and Oana's earpieces beeped, warning it's on speaker. "Rookies! Are you two still in one piece?" Knuckles asked with concern.

     "Oh, sure, don't even bother to ask how I am," I said teasingly, crossing my arms.

     "Sonic! I'm so glad!" I heard Amy cheer in joy. Oana winced at the sudden high pitch of Amy's voice. "Is she always this...loud?" Oana asked me. I nodded with the memories I shared with Amy when we first met.

     "Hold up Amy. We're all happy Sonic is alive! But we still got to help him get off the egg soon!"

     As Knuckles continued talking, I saw Oana walking away. "Hey! Oana! How long can we get out of here?" She then pointed in front of her. And from a little far distance, there was a shuttle. I smiled and turned to Gadget's earpiece. "Your concern is touching, Knuckles."

     With that, Gadget hung up and we all ran to the shuttle before we took off.

     I am so glad to be outta there!

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