The Date and the Mysterious Kill.

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"You must know where she's hiding. She has to be in this town then if she is able to kill in this area? Asked Sango concerned about this news.

"The last I heard about her, she was trying to save a forest from being taken over and she was trying to save endangered species, but then she disappeared once again, Replied Miroku" honest with them both. 

"Endangered Species...! Spoke up Inuyasha," beginning to wonder, could it be?

"Well, besides Shippo and Inuyasha's appearance, is there any way for her to be able to be found, like details what does she look like, I might be able to track her down quietly? Asked Sango curiously. 

"Wolf? She looks like a wolf. Redish colored hair like Shippo but darker, and a super fluffy tail and ears that match with a splash of white on the tips of her ears and her tail and red eyes, stated Miroku" honestly.

"Does she have a name? You never once found out who she was? In life, when she was alive before she was raped and beaten? Asked Sango, " Writing things down.

"No, I wasn't able to find anything on her no information, the man who did that stole everything and left her body to die, she was thrown into the creek's river naked and alone, she had golden hair though, before the surgery afterwards she changed just like Inuyasha had, so I have no clue how she's hiding from me, she managed to remove her tracker that I implemented on her, Replied Miroku" honestly.

"Tracker? Are you saying I am implanted with a tracker? Asked Inuyasha, " annoyed.

"Yes, how do you think I knew where you were, Shippo has one too, but she doesn't she managed to find a way to rips her out, she is a clever girl that one, Spoke up. Miroku" honest with them both.

"Why do this, though? besides for the hunting for sports? Asked Sango, " confused. 

"In Jane's Doe's eye's, we humans skin Animals for their hides or bad people take more than what they can eat, so she protects the natural order, she feels we may only kill to eat or keep from being eaten, she is very Intune with nature and the laws of nature's true savage ways, so she thinks why can't, a hybrid show the humans what Human's look like when someone skins a human, it's the same way when we humans kill and skin in animal and not take the meat, but waste it, she is making a threat towards hunters, it's a warning, Spoke up Miroku" serious tone voice and guessing he knew she isn't a bad murderer.

As everyone cleared the area and kept eyes out for anything else. As Inuyasha was being beeped. He looked at his text. "Looking forward to our date tonight, see you at 7 tonight, don't be late, I am truly looking forward to it.

As he grinned and said Well this is all entertaining and all, but he's got a date to get back for, and to get ready for, so he needed to be at home so he can prep for his date. As Sango and Miroku were forced to head back to the lab.

Meanwhile, as for Inuyasha.

So, Inuyasha went straight into his bedroom for a long time before his date started. He forced himself to masturbate as much as possible he was determined to not lose control, he would make this the best night ever, he would be a gentleman, he would be kind, he would be sweet, he would do whatever he could to enjoy her and act like his old self as much as possible without his demon or animal parts getting in the way, so he'd be able to control himself. He ate as much as possible. He packed up some extra meat and a few extra things. As he dressed nicely for the night.

He managed to keep his hat on his head. As he was at the restaurant that they agreed to meet at. he was early, he wanted to get a table. As Serena came walking into the restaurant so beautiful. She was dressed in a black tight dress, she did her hair, she looked so lovely.

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