Family tree

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This family tree is a theory, maded by me, to try to explain the powers of some characters.

This family tree is a theory, maded by me, to try to explain the powers of some characters

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In some corners of the image, I placed several guides so that it can be better understood.

It looks complicated, but right now I explain everything. 

This timeline starts at 3,000 years ago, with the creator of the Pixls and his family. (You can see it above). It is explicitly known that the creator of the Pixls was a HUMAN, and we can only assume that his wife was from the tribe of Ancients; they both had two children who did not manifest powers. Except for the daughter, since the magician, by turning her into Pixl, obtains her powers. But she never had a lineage; and eventually she become in Shadoo.

But the son... Some say he survived the accident that killed his mother. However, he, seeing all the destruction caused by the Pixl War because of the Dark Prognosticus, decides to hide and take the mysterious book behind him, causing some to also flee with it, founding the Darkness tribe. As time goes by, he proclaims himself the Count of the tribe, causing his legacy to pass from generation to generation until reaching Blumiere (the present).

But this does not end here. There was a moment in history where a human (descendant of Merloo), paired with a member of the tribe of darkness and they had a son, Dimentio. (The image box explains this in more detail).

If you want to know more about my theory that Dimentio is impure, go to the first part of this book, where everything is explained in more detail.

Technically, the image is self-explanatory.

There were parts where there is not so much sense (How Bestivious seems to be Merloo's own son), but this is a pure matter of technicality and space, since this family tree began 3,000 years ago. In a period of 3,000 years, that person will have approximately 167 descendants. Calculations.

(But ask me how I do in math at school...)

Second family tree:

Second family tree:

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Some things I need to explain:

Obviously this family tree is more bigger, because transcends 2,000 years before, with the Pixl war. But, it still understand. The rest is self-explanatory.

The pixels' magic that converts them, looks into the deeper of their soul to obtain their skills.

AND, one more theory: 

Humans are 'good' at magic and contain a lot of it within themselves, but since they do not have powers it can be difficult for them to control it, or even just expose it, and those who can are few. Like the creator of the Pixls; his daughter is also a "mix" between ancient and human, and she had so much power that she still persists and became Pixl Queen, and her brother survived the accident and founded a tribe with great mystical power. And the Pixls could have been humans before they were turned.

Thanks for reading my crazy theories :)

And I would also love to know your opinion about my theories!

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