I see its Jake's name on the caller ID so I give my charms a go "Well well it must be pretty important stuff to say if you're callin' me Blue..."  and I hear his chuckle from the other side, receiving questioning looks from Clair and Liv "Well MAYBE it is Miss Evans. You with Clair and Liv?" he questions and I'm slightly disappointed that's the only reason he called, those blue eyes have been hauntin me since Friday night "Well MAYBE I am Blue. What's it to ya?" I try my charms again and he chuckles "Us boys are quite bored on this afternoon and wondered if you girls want to stop by?" a sudden heap of butterflies enter my body "I'll have to talk to my associate's and come back to ya Blue" I tease and I hear him mutter something under his breath "You do that Evans, just let me know" I smile "Alright then bye." and end the call.

Liv is sitting on her seat "Well?? Who the hell is Blue?" I feel the blushing and butterflies returnin' and shrug "Oh... Blue is... Uh, Blue is Jake" my answer receives a groan from Clair and Liv is gigglin' like a school girl. "You two are hopeless you know that?" Clair rubs her temples again and Liv is still giggling "Oh Clair just tell her!" and I remember our conversation before, "Yeah tell me!" I encourage Liv's idea and Clair gives in "Case, Jake likes you. And no not friend likes you, like have a crush on you likes you."

I just stood there, I didn't know what to say or do, that wasn't what I was expecting, but it's clear in her voice she's not joking. I feel a blush, a smile and a ton of butterflies all at once hitting my body and before I could stop my big mouth I blurt it out, "I think like him too." Well it's true, he's had me captivated from day one, his eyes, his lips and his tall lean form, heck even those glasses had me weak at the knees... "Oh we know you like him, it's been as clear as day from the first time you two laid eyes on each other but you're just too stupid." Clair snorts and I give her a dumbfounded look, is that actually true?


After Clair's speech on how dumb I have been the last few months, I told them Jake had wanted us to hang out at his and Nate's place. What Jake forgot to mention is, they stay in an all boy's house, this is why Olivia and I have been bombarded with wolf whistles straight through to wanting our numbers by a bunch of boys I've never seen, they don't care much for Clair, seeing she's been here quite some times before.

Clair leads the way into the house and when we reach an open door at the end of the hall my tummy starts makin' summersaults and back flips like never before. We walk inside and Clair greets Jake and Nate, Olivia is next giving Jake a friendly hugs and Nate a pat on the head, Clair and I share a look, knowing that something is brewin' between them. Before I could register, I feel a pair of strong arms circle around my waist and immediately my senses are on high alert, oh sweet potatoes I think I'll die, I'm intoxicated by a smell that screams spice and everything sexy. "Hi there Cocoa..." Jake breathes out staring at me, slightly to close to my lips for my own being. "Well hey there Blue..." I try to be my charming self but it ends up barely a whisper. My eyes have been on his lips this whole time and I dare to look up at him, and what I see almost has been runnin' to ER because I might just die... Those gorgeous blue eyes have turned an ice blue colour, and it's clear as day I'm exactly what his mind has fixated on...

"Oh alright, I don't want to be a god mother just yet so could you please get off the girl before you jump her? I want coffee, Nate, good boy." Clair sounds relaxed as possible and my cheeks heaten up as the blush on my face is evident to see, Jake on the other hand looks calm and collected "Such a way with words you have Clair." But instead of letting me go, he pulls me in tighter and I can feel every inch of his six pack against me.  


Reluctantly Jake had let me go a few minutes later and now a few hours had pass by, everyone is now in front of a big television screen and we're watching football. Luckily my team isn't playin' until tomorrow so I won't be freaking anyone out. But the boys are interested in my wide knowledge and I oblige to their questions like the discreet lady I am "I'm an only girl in the family, I know my football better than most of you boys, that's why ya'll are Buckers fans and I'm a Tornado's gal" and that leaves me with a smirk and the boys protesting, but Jake just looks at me sceptically.

After the game Nate suggests a barbeque and us girls don't really get a say so we join in, halfway through I'm standing next to the fire with a soda in my hand joining in the conversation around me. I feel an arm glide around my waist and by the scent of sexy spices I know it's my Blue... Woah there missy, my Blue? No no no, he's not your Blue, he's Jake!

My mental cursing was interrupted by the boy himself, whom I might add, is leaning in against my ear whispering "So Cocoa, seeing you're such a Tornado's fan and all, why don't we make a bet over tomorrow's game..." he smirks, and I return it "oh my my we have a Bronk's fan in our mists, have we? As I'm guessing you're a Bronk's fan, seeing you'd already know my team, yeah the team whom hasn't lost a game this season, you'd ought to be our opposing tomorrow." And he chuckles pullin' me away from the group just slightly so we don't have to whisper "So does that mean you're willing to bet Miss Evans?" he has this daring look, which I just want to kiss off of his face but resist the urge, sadly. "It depends on the terms Blue..." I was aiming for a straight forward lawyer kind of voice but it came out way to flustered to my liking and his eyes flickers with an emotion I can't comprehend at all. "Okay, IF the Bronk's win tomorrow's game, I'm allowed to take you out next week. AND if the Tornado's win-" I cut him off "You owe me an ice cream. Deal Blue" I hold out my right hand for him to shake and he takes it in his big hand and shakes it slightly "Deal Cocoa".  

Let me know what you think!* Thanks to the amazing reader EsmereldaDeBruyn for the great comments and vote's, hope you don't mind my unexpected shout out!* Please give me comments on what you like and don't.


Happy Reading


a Country gal lovin' a biker boyWhere stories live. Discover now