The pain of memories, go to hogsmeade pt4

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Anna explained that she was killed by Rookwood the year before, and she also told Sophie that she did this for Sophie, and she also told herself that she stayed at Ominis's house to recuperate her body the year before.

"Fool...why are you doing this..." Sophie held Anna's hand in both hands.

Anna lowered her head and said she was sorry. She didn't expect the other party to be so powerful. She only wanted to protect her most important friend.

"Anna, don't worry. Sophie will be protected by me. But what I want to say is that the unknown magic in your body will cause harm. Is it true?" Jackson looked at Anna and said.

Anna nodded and answered, because once when she was at Ominis' house, she suddenly felt a pain and burning sensation in her chest. It suddenly burst out and hurt others. But at that time, it was only a small-scale injury, but it did hurt others. They were only slightly injured. Then Anna hurriedly apologized that she had not left the place on purpose. She hid in the room and kept using the freezing spell to slow down the burning sensation on her body.

" I just can't figure out how to escape from such an unknown magic so that you can return to school with peace of mind?" Sophie said.

"No...the magic hasn't been eliminated, and I didn't feel any pain or burning sensation for almost a year, so I came back to school." Anna shook her head and said.

Sophie hugged Anna again to comfort her, so that she could not worry too much. After that, Jackson took Sophie back to Anna. On the way back, she saw Matthew leaning against the wall, as if waiting for Anna.


Matthew heard Anna's voice and immediately ran to her.

"Uh... I'm sorry about what happened just now. I wanted to ask if I could come with me to hogsmeade to buy you a butterbeer tomorrow. Sebastian and I didn't get it last time... Okay...?"

Matthew invited Anna to go to hogsmeade tomorrow. Anna was a little embarrassed to refuse and Matthew had to agree to go with him. At this time, Sebastian heard about it and came to participate.

"Why are you here..?"
"why not? I'm Anna's monitoring caregiver."

Anna was a little speechless and didn't know what to say to Sebastian, but it was true. In order to protect Anna's body from the sudden occurrence of unknown magic, Sebastian had to have Ominis by Anna's side. Mostly it was Sebastian who took care of Anna.

"So you're coming too?"
"Yes, Anna, are you willing?"

Anna could only agree to let Sebastian follow, but her condition was not to disturb her, so Sebastian had no choice but to agree. Matthew originally wanted to be alone with Anna, but hearing that the unknown magic on her would bring Even if danger comes, Sebastian can agree to follow.

"Goodnight then boys"

Anna said good night to Sebastian and Matthew and went back to the Hufflepuff common room. Matthew watched Anna leave. His eyes could not leave her figure, and he was fascinated by her.

"Don't tell me, you like her?"

Sebastian looked at Matthew and said, Matthew immediately denied that they were just friends. Sebastian became suspicious and soon the topic stopped and the two went back to the Slytherin common room.

Tomorrow Anna would have class as usual, and then wait for the two of them at the entrance door of the college; Sebastian and Matthew saw Anna waiting at the door and immediately went to her side.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for too long..."
"It's okay, I just got here"

Matthew was afraid of causing trouble to Anna again, but he seemed a little relieved from her words. Sebastian looked at these two people and felt like he was redundant. After Anna saw Sebastian, she smiled, lowered her head and distanced herself slightly from Matthew. Matthew also smiled sheepishly and awkwardly.

In the end, the three of them came to Hogsmead. Anna hadn't come out to visit Hogsmead for a long time. She kept looking at the scenery, houses, shops, and familiar friends in Hogsmead. As usual, Anna liked to focus on her favorite places. When Bastian saw it, he began to worry that she would run around alone again.

But unexpectedly, Matthew led Anna to various shops. Anna was changed by Matthew's behavior and she would behave strangely. Follow the two of them around.

Before the end, a troll appeared when they were about to go to the Three Broomsticks. Matthew, Sebastian and Anna were shocked by the appearance of the troll. Two girls picked up their wands to attack the troll, and the troll attacked in their direction. At that time, Anna attacked the troll to help the two women. When the troll was about to move forward in our direction, the Officer Singer appeared in time.

The Troll turned and ran towards them. Officer Singer and two assistants kept the troll away from the building. They thought it was over but did not expect the loud noise behind them. The three turned their heads and saw another troll. The troll rushed forward to us. The three of us dodged the attack of the troll and had a duel with the troll. In the middle of the duel, Matthew and Anna used ancient magic to solve the troll at the same time. At this time, Officer Singer came to check the situation.

"Goodness! A second troll? Did you three take down fully-grown troll- by yourselves?"

Matthew answered yes, he didn't know very well at the time. After what happened, I helped the police officer Singer to help tidy up, and the boss who sold the clothes asked us to give us new robes.

Before Matthew, Anna, and Sebastian went to the three broomsticks, they suddenly met Rookwood, Ranrok, and Harlow. When Anna met Rookwood again, she was overwhelmed with fear. Anna fled the scene immediately, and Sebastian and Matthew followed Going up, when they turned their heads to look behind again as if they had spotted someone peeking at them and came out to check, Sebastian hurriedly led Matthew and Anna to the three broomsticks.

At Three Broomsticks, they opened the door in a panic. Lodgok and Sirona, who had just finished talking, also returned to what they were doing. Lodgok just watched the three of them walk in in a panic. At this time Sirona saw Anna.

"Hello my friend, long time no see"
"Hi, Sirona, sorry, I didn't come here last year because of something..."

Sirona didn't say that she wanted Anna to say sorry. She knew very well that she didn't need Anna to explain her absence. Sirona just believed that Anna would definitely come back to Hogsmead. Sirona picked up the wand and waved three cups to pour in butterbeer. Sirona said to buy them a drink, Matthew said thank you and took a sip. Sirona replied that you were welcome and also talked about the troll. Sebastian said that thanks to Matthew and Anna's timely action to defeat the mountain monster, Anna could only smile and took a sip of the butterbeer she hadn't had in a long time.

At this moment, Rookwood and Harlow suddenly appeared. Anna immediately covered herself when she saw it, but Rookwood knew that she was still alive. Sirona walked towards the two of them to stop them from causing trouble in their store, but Rookwood pointed at Anna and wanted to go forward to find her. At this time, all the guests present raised their wands and pointed them at Rookwood and Harlow. At the same time, Matthew was beside Anna to protect her, as was Sebastian; Rookwood and Harlow could only retreat temporarily.

Suddenly Anna's body was burning again. She fell down from the chair and screamed in pain. When Sebastian and Matthew saw it, Sirona immediately asked the two boys to take Anna away. Sebastian hugged her. After picking up Anna and telling Matthew to ask Ominis to come to the Hospital Wing, he took Anna away to the Hospital Wing.

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