"Will you guys stop being difficult and
Just tell me please"


Lila started but
was cut off by Wanda.

"I thought I
was telling her "

"Wanda that
was never the plan "

"Lila you literally
Said I could tell her"

"Did I?"


"Okay well I've changed my mind
I'm telling her"

"You can't do that
that's not fair"

"Oh my god both of you Shut up
I'm telling her"

Bucky groaned, glaring at the girls.
Wanda noticed his glare and didn't appreciate it- she scratched her nose with her middle finger, discreetly flipping the man off- he ignored her of course.

Nat was growing more impatient and a little anxious. One of them needed to tell her soon or she was going to go insane.

"Nat what I tell you. You can't tell Steve that I  told you, you can't say you heard it from me okay"

Nat nodded feeling even more uneasy.
What didn't Steve want Nat to know?

"The other night when you took the girls to the movies and it was Just Steve and I at the compound he told me something. And I feel it would be wrong of me to keep it from you it's just.."

Bucky paused to highten the tension. Which worked. Nat was sat on the edge of her seat, Steve's choice to withhold information was of great concern to Nat, they had always been pretty honest and open about everything with one and other.

"Just what?"

Nat asked eagerly.

"Well he told me that umm.. well he told me .. he's.. he's"

Bucky stuttered and it took everything in Wanda not to laugh. Bucky was a surprisingly brilliant actor.

Bucky moved closer to the group as he whispered his next words.

"He told me that he's in love with you

Bucky, Wanda, and Lila all awaited Nat's response to his narrative,but her reactions were a mystery to them, as she wore a completely unreadable expression that prevented any signs of what she was feeling.

"You guys are ridiculous"

Nat sighed as she started to get up.

"No, no don't go. I'm being serious
just let me explain"

Bucky pleaded and Nat agreed to hear him

20 minutes later...
Bucky had succeeded in convincing Nat that Steve had expressed to him that he was experiencing feelings of affection and love for her, He felt bad for lying but Steve was his best friend and he knew Steve's mind probably better then Steve did himself. He knew Steve wanted Nat but equally he knew how scared Steve was to make a move in fear of rejection and ruining his friendship with Nat. Bucky was playing wingman. He was going to do everything in his power to set his best friend up with the women who makes him happy, even if it meant lying to her to do so.

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