Chapter 27: Darkness at Each Step

Start from the beginning

Peacemaker remembered the slight look of hesitancy that Deathbringer showed.

It matched the teachers at Jade Mountain. It matched the face Queen Glory sometimes made when looking at him. It matched the majority of the Graduating Jade Winglet.

It matched Moonwatcher.

So that leaves another dragon that is aware. Deathbringer. How long had he been aware, the entire time?

"Pssst," Peacemaker heard Mink whisper. "Hey, Peacemaker." Peacemaker wanted to open his eyes but he liked the feeling of them being closed.

"Peace...Peace, Peacemaker!" Mink suddenly shouted. Peacemaker calmly and slowly opened his eyes, his first sight being the white and grey dragon above him, her circular earring dangling from her ears. Mink smiled,

"Hey there sleepy head, it's time to get up."

"Just a few more minutes..." Peacemaker mumbled.

"Seriously Peace?" Mink sighed. "Since when were you such a heavy sleep?"

"I want to be if there weren't certain friends that wake me up," Peacemaker replied.

"If we didn't, you'd stay here forever," Mink commented.

"That does seem plausible," Darkstalker added. Didn't you hate the Icewings, especially Icewing Royalty? Why are you agreeing with them now?

"Okay look Peace, just because I don't like them doesn't mean I don't agree with some things they say," Darkstalker shot back. You still don't like them regardless... "Not the point, but Peace, think of this. If an Icewing says one plus one is two. I'm not going to be like 'No you're wrong because you're an Icewing'. See what I mean?" Fair point.

Peacemaker opened his eyes fully and looked around. Where am I again? Oh that's right, Mink's room.

Peacemaker was supposed to stay at the dome where visitors to the Ice Palace could sleep and rest. But on the first day, Mink and Peacemaker both realized how late at night it was. Peacemaker offered to go regardless with the protection of Shard but Mink offered him to simply room with her. Also offered him her bed while she slept on the floor. Peacemaker quickly shot out the second part and offered to sleep on the floor instead.

Mink explaining this to Shard was a funny memory. Shard was seemingly losing it when he found out that due to orders, he'll have to stay near or right outside of Mink's room where he still can't go home yet. Peacemaker did feel bad for him, before finally sleeping, Peacemaker offered him to just go home and rest instead of having to be there to protect Peacemaker all the time.

Peacemaker knew how to keep secrets, he wouldn't tell anybody. Shard didn't take the idea, despite being annoyed and frustrated about it, he wanted to be there to keep Peacemaker safe. So that's how Peacemaker from each day until today, he woke up on the floor in Mink's room. He was surprised he didn't anybody questioning this but it wasn't hard to believe dragons were questioning this when they were not near or didn't know anything about this at all.

"Fair enough, Mink," Peacemaker agreed, getting up. "So what's the plan today?"

"I was thinking of giving you the tour around the Ice Palace I promised earlier," Mink mentioned. During the past few days, Peacemaker mostly stayed inside as Mink was introducing him to other royal members and showing him around the insides of the Ice Palace. The place was huge and Peacemaker was gradually becoming accustomed to each room, where things were, and importantly...exits.

For Icewing royal members, Peacemaker had seen Hailstorm for the first time and Queen Snowfall again. Queen Snowfall was accompanied by Lynx. While Lynx showed a friendly welcome again, Queen Snowfall had a mix of snake-like eyes, glaring at Peacemaker and a more comfortable look. Peacemaker figured it was because he wasn't entirely trusted but Queen Snowfall didn't believe him to be dangerous or to be a problem.

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