Chapter one; Sierra

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I blink unable to take it in, a ray, of sun, it collects in a silk line of gold shattering through the comfortable fear of darkness, it dances as if stirred by the wind, it's so delicate, so fragile, I move towards it and catch it in my hand, it makes my flesh glow a light and flawless pink, I wish I could breathe it in and let it fill me like nectar and ambrosia fills the bellies of Greek gods, then as I allow my fingers to swim tingling in its whole warmth he hurt the small crack he opened. I don't let him see the sadness that falls as the light fades. My eyes still sting form the exposure to it. I am trapped in the endless shadow.
I'm at a disadvantage because my eyes still must adapt to the dark, though I practically have night vision from living in the night my entire life. I see the figures running, fast and strong.
I make my way to the centre. One races towards me, I lean into a fighting stance my muscle burst into a warmth that fills me with anger, the first one comes I pounce, they are slim, my arms circle them and I tumble crumpling them to the ground with me. I roll and pull the figure up in a choke. Another rushes, I release the choke and swing one into the other they collapse and fall they almost seem to crumble to dust. I count them five remain. I attack ready to trample them like a bull head first into a stomach one goes down hugging and whimpering, then one grabs my legs and drags me across the floor, I don't squirm, one goes to jump on top of me and I knee them I between the legs, by the cries and groans released it was a male, the two crumble to the floor like the others before them. One last one, the hardest one, we approach each other slowly, it kicks I pull the leg and swing to their head they grab my arm. I jump and hook their other leg pulling them down beside me. I roll on top and and punch them in the face, they dodge it and I scream as a flair of pain enters my hand through the the smooth rock ground that I made contact with. They put their feet on my hips and their hands on my shoulders and donkey kick me off, I block my face but never wince. She sprints and punches and kicks I make one move and it's over, but she knows that she's won she decides when it's over and when it is she runs only to know she'll win again tomorrow. I sit up and pull the pure black hair from its tie and shake the strands free in a mess.
He commands from the corner. I walk through the door to a different hallway where I find my bedroom and a bathroom. A walk into the bathroom, I sigh with relief as I peel off the thin and tight full body suit. I leave it in a puddle of sweat and walk to the shower which is just a rock hollow cylinder there is a couple feet between the ceiling and the shower I clump and slip inbetween, I flick the switch and a stream of water bounces up from my head, then it soaks the roots of my hair and then the rest it trickles and carves away the sweat and stink, then I take soap and scrub off any blood or dirt I could have on me. Then I shave everything, I am hairless and sleek, I can swim and it's harder to be caught. I take a comb and brush through the knots. I take a towel and dry my hair and wipe down the rest, completely fresh, though I can see almost perfectly in the dark I put on the light on the mirror, I see my skin completely pale, smooth, without a flaw in sight, I braid my hair back and over my shoulder, I walk bare into my bedroom I open the black closet door and pull out a black body suit like those girls wear to a dance class with a decorative collar that has designs made of cuts and patterns showing off slices of my skin in a gleaming pearl. I examine my arms thin but muscular, legs toned and compact, stomach flat but curved with the outline of my abs, I am soft in a muscular ways with the feminine curves of breast and hips, but I am stone and darkness, strong elegant, graceful, unbreakable, I am perfect.

I meet my master and he serves me the pills of breakfast, food shrunken and blended into three pills make a balanced meal and a glass of water.

"I am ready."
I speak clearly, I slip off the top of my body suit and stretch feeling good for a second and breathe before I will be on fire then numb. To be perfect I must not feel pain. I sit on my shins and put my head inbetween my knees, I arch my back. He starts, a whip lashes against my sides pulling thorns in long lines and staining the my white with red blood, it comes over my sides and collects in ant sized pools beside me. Then I am beaten with a club until my bones are near shatter, I garb a cloth and scream into it. It'll be over soon I promise, the knife, it slices through trace every bump in my spine. Then the words I feel and know too well. Are tattooed in my Opel flesh in blood.

"What are you?!" he barks.
"What are your flaws?!?"
I look up at him trying to stop my eyes from watering I haven't asked for mercy in over a month. I lie there dying I stare noticing the shadows of his stubble and the dark glimmer in his eyes he bends beside me and applies the medicine, it starts as a clear gel Then it climbs it takes away the blood burns and heals and closes the cuts it saves the red and leaves me sparkly clear.
I walk away.
I've done this since I was five, it was less intense but intense for my age.
That's 4 015 days, that's 96 360 hours and 5 781 600 minutes and unimaginable seconds. Who knows how many days, hours, and seconds I'll add to that number.

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