"Credit where credits due.
Steve and Nat are a great team and
The girls adore you both"

The last few weeks both Pepper herself and Tony have had the pleasure of witnessing how the small pieces to the little family of four were slowly starting to be pieced together. Both Nat, Steve and the girls longed for a family and now the opportunity was theirs and pepper couldn't think of people that deserved it more.


Upon finding out that his Auntie Nat was now pretty much a mom and that he now had cousins Nate was made up. But the boy was absolutely ecstatic when his dad told him that one was his age.

As had been anticipated, Nate and AJ had struck up a strong rapport quite quickly, the duo looking as if butter wouldn't melt- anyone that knew the kids would know they were the opposite to the innocent cute kids they tried to paint themselves to be. The duo were getting a long beautifully as if they'd known each other for years.

However nobody had prepared the men, who were in charge of the kids, for just how menacing and lethal this newly found duo was.

Nate had never been allowed to ride the ponies without his Father or older brother present. That rule hadn't changed but he was feeling adventurous and rebellious today. AJ had never rode a pony before and it only took that to convince Steve and Bucky to let the kids ride the ponies.

"Nate what's it's name again?"
Aj called out to the boy.

"That one's Milky-way"

The two youngsters proceeded to ride the ponies around the fenced-in region, as Nate provided his partner in crime with instructions on the basics of equestrianism. AJ was able to grasp the concepts rather well, and soon enough, she grew comfortable with navigating the terrain.

"Do they jump?"
Aj asked Nate who was now riding
Beside her.

"I don't think your one does.
He's fat"

Perhaps it was Nate's fat shaming or maybe just something in the environment but something seemed to have provoked a change in Milky-ways behavior. The pony had gone from calm to agitated within seconds. Steve vaulted over the fence without a second thought in order to intervene if need be.

"You two come on time to get off"
He ordered the pair.

Aj didn't even have time to answer before her pony had become more irritated and restless.

"Ava Jay get
of that thing"

Buck demanded as the girl gripped the horses restraints tightly trying to gain back control but it was no use, the pony had gone rogue, kicking its leg and flinging its neck around.

"Death by Pony
that's a new one"

"AJ nows not a time
to make jokes"

AJ struggled to maintain her grip upon the restraints of the pony as it grew increasingly unruly, and eventually, it was too much for her to contain the animal's ferocity. The animal's sudden bucking resulted in AJ's body being propelled from its back, sending her crashing and sailing onto the ground. Fortunately for her, her fall had been cushioned by something.

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