Chapter one: The Plastics

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(Pilot 1×01)

The first day of school.

Molly yawned and reached a hand out blindly to stop the alarm that was going off on her bedside table. Once she silenced the noise, she stuffed her face into her pillow with a groan. She hadn't even gotten up yet and she was already tired of the day. It was the first day back to school. It was her sophomore year and the only thing she really looked forward to was that her siblings would be with her this year. The twins, Elijah and Ashley, were now finally starting their freshman year. Which meant that now they got to be with their sister at the same school.

She sighed because she knew she had to get them up for school. Molly flipped back onto her back, untangling herself from her sheets as she splayed out across the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to gain the courage and strength to get herself up. It took her a good few minutes before she closed her eyes and sat up with a sigh, swinging her legs over to the side of her beg where she was now sitting on the edge. She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed at her eyes while her feet dangled off the bed.

She then ran her hands over her face to shake off the sleepiness that she was still feeling from working late the previous few nights. Molly stood up from her bed and made her way to the bathroom, scratching at her head and running a tired hand through her long hair. She used the bathroom and washed up. Once she was done with all of that, she made her way over to the twins shared room and lightly knocked on the door. And upon not receiving an answer from either one of them after she told them through the door that it was time to get up, she smirked and went back to her room and reached into one of her drawers and pulled out one of the objects she needed.

She then leaned down and reached under her bed, grabbing the other thing and finally making her way back to her younger siblings room. When she knocked again, all she received was groans coming from the other side of the door. And that's when she pulled out a bobby pin to unlock and open the door.

Molly entered the room only to see that the two were still under their covers. She shook her head with a small smile and walked over to her brother's bed with a mischievous smile. Elijah was awake, laying on his left side. But just as he was going to turn over, Molly beat him to the punch and raised one of the toy guns in her hand, squeezing the trigger which released a foam bullet that hit the boy in his forehead.

Elijah had jumped and shot up with a groan and held a hand to his forehead. From her side of the room on her bed across from her twin brother, Ashley was busy trying not to laugh when she saw what her older sister had done to her brother. She kept her eyes closed, occasionally peeking them open to watch and see if her sister was coming towards her so she could be prepared. The eldest Jackson had also known that her little sister was actually awake because according to the twins, she was like a hawk and could not only see out of the corner of her eye, but also had eyes behind her head, which they never believed to be real until their sister proved it to them without actually doing anything. And because she knew her siblings very well.

The Jackson boy sat up with a groan, still holding his hand to his head.

"Ow! What the-" He looked down at the object that hit him and picked it up between his fingers with an unamused look as his older sister shook the Nerf gun in her hand in her hand with an evil grin. "Really?" The boy questioned. "I mean, seriously. A nerf gun? Isn't it a bit early for this?"

Molly shrugged at her brother's question before holding up a single finger to her lips, signaling for Elijah to be quiet as she slowly tiptoed over to her younger sister's bed. The youngest sibling still pretending to be asleep, trying to make it believable with a slight snore and her eyes shut tight, hoping she wouldn't end up having the same fate as her older twin brother. But, deep down inside she knew that she was gonna get caught.

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