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Molly Jackson was a girl that everyone had heard of. They all knew who she was. Well, they didn't exactly know her, but they knew of her. People knew because of the talks, the rumors that went around. But Molly didn't care enough to correct them. Nobody really knew about her home life. They didn't know that she had two younger siblings or that she's the one who takes care of them. She has a brother and sister. The twins.

Elijah Jackson was the older twin by a few minutes and he wouldn't let his twin sister forget it because he brought it up every chance he could. He's the fun, sarcastic guy. Which he probably got from his older sister. He's caring, sweet, a major goofball, has tons of energy most of the time, and he's grateful for his eldest sister for stepping up and taking care of him and his twin.

Ashley Jackson was the younger twin and would throw a small hissy fit when her older brother would bring it up in front of people, not that there was a lot of people that they knew or talked to. She's the cool, energetic, funny, and sometimes sarcastic one, just like her siblings. At this point the Jackson siblings just thought that it ran in their blood. That being sarcastic was in their DNA and they couldn't deny it. She was also extremely thankful that her older sister decided to step up and take care of them as best as she could.

Molly had worked several jobs in her life. Many high-end places wouldn't hire her because of her tattoos and the fact that she spent a little bit of time in juvie for two months during summer break. But that's a story for another time. She had applied for jobs at tons of places and each one shot her down. Yet, she was grateful for the ones that did give her a chance, even if the jobs sucked. Maybe, they didn't exactly give her a chance. Maybe they just needed to hire someone so desperately that they gave the job to whoever walked in. She was always the second choice. Or the last. That was until she met the one person who decided to give her a chance. She had unintentionally met the owner of a very well known restaurant in Lima Ohio. A place called Breadstix. They had gotten to talking and the woman liked the girls attitude all the while the oldest Jackson had no clue she was talking to the owner of the establishment that would end up giving her a job.

Molly worked as a waitress at Breadstix and her second job was working as a cashier and barista at the Lima Bean. Another known spot in Ohio, except this one was for coffee and pastries. Beforehand she had worked as a bagger for the local grocery store where they would also make her do the stocking, and clean the floors and bathrooms, including scrubbing the toilet and taking out all the trash. This girl has had so many jobs that it wasn't even funny.

She used to work at a car wash where guys, older and younger, would hit on her and stare her down like a piece of meat while she washed their cars. She hated that. She wasn't even into guys anyway.

Molly Jackson is a lesbian. The girl has had many flings and hookups, girls wanting to experiment before college, one night stands, things like that. But never a real relationship. She wasn't the relationship type of person. Well, it's not that she exactly wasn't a relationship person, but she also didn't have the time. She worked multiple jobs just to make sure her brother and sister had food on the table, clothes on their backs, a roof over their heads, a bed, a hot shower, getting and making sure that they have all the things they'd need, and to make sure all the bills were paid and things like that.

She also knew that she couldn't give anyone the type of attention and love that they'd need. Because all of her attention went to her siblings. The people she cared the most about in the world. Nobody could ever come close to them. She would do literally anything to make sure that they had everything they needed and to keep them safe. The eldest Jackson would take a finger one by one until they had none if anyone had even dared to lay a hand on them or even look at them the wrong way.

Molly Jackson didn't really believe in love. For herself that is. Not after what happened with the last girl.

Anyway, enough of that.

What happens when Ashley and Elijah finally get to highschool to be with their older sister Molly, and the twins join the lamest group ever at William McKinley High School... The glee club?

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